The Getaway (2/2) *

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*Sexual Content*

Camila tried not to let her nerves show in front of the other performers; she tried to play cool but was failing miserably as one after the other started coming off the stage indicating her time to go on was coming soon. She looked down at herself; she was given simple white lingerie to wear, she quite liked it actually, she was never one to have the highest of self esteem but she couldn't deny that wearing this particular outfit was making her feel sexy.

She heard a voice coming from behind her saying, "Hey, newbie," Camila turned to see a very beautiful, and very naked, girl talking to her. "I'm Ally Brooke- or as they announce me, 'Brooke Deseo'" She said her stage name in a sultry voice then laughed at herself.

Camila smiled as she examined the girl's facial features; partially because she was pretty but mostly because she was still fully naked as she just got off the stage. "I'm Camila Cabello and I didn't know that I was suppose to have a stage name," she admittedly said.

Ally laughed again as she began putting her clothes, she replied, "You don't come up with the stage name, it's given to you."

Before Camila could ask who the stage name was given by, she heard someone call for her; it was time for her to go on. She gave Ally one last look before she walked to the stage coordinator.

"Hey, cutie. The announcer is going to announce you any second, any last minute things you wanna ask? Wanna back out?" the tall, somewhat buff man chuckled, knowing fully well she can't back out.

"Uhm, do I have to like fully undress? Can it just be partial?"

"It can be whatever you want, as long as it's sexy. You wanna get your money's worth right?" Camila definitely wanted to get her money's worth; she needed to support herself somehow, after all she still wanted a bright future filled with an actual career and for that she need to go to college and for college she needed money. Lots of money.

Suddenly Camila heard a voice that she would recognize anywhere instantly; it was Lauren, Lauren wasn't the normal announcer but she announcing her. "I just want to personally announce this next performer; she is new to The Getaway and has a pure soul that's ready for us taint," the crowd got more energized at Lauren's words as she smirked, "Please give a warm welcome to Divine Mila."

Camila felt as if she was getting electrified as she made her way to center stage; strutting to the chair as she looked out at the crowd. For a moment, she was disgusted because all she saw where middle aged men and it came to the realization that she has to dance for them. She sat down in the chair while simultaneously widely opening her legs, retrieving loud hoots from the crowd. She pushed the thoughts of the perverts in back of her mind as she remembered what electrified her; it was Lauren's words, Lauren's voice. She looked at the crowd until she made eye contact with Lauren and smirked; she wasn't going to dance for these men, she was dancing for Lauren. That's all she had to think about, she had to imagine that her performance was just for Lauren, and that gave her the confidence she needed to give a nod towards the sound person to begin playing the song.

A song blared through the speakers that she wasn't familiar of, but nevertheless she started to sensually roll her body to the beat whilst still sitting. Her hands went from being in her hair and the slowly made her way down her body until they stopped at her center; getting the crowd more wound up by the second. When she got to her center though, she quickly closed her legs as she teasingly smiled, waving her finger to signal a 'No'; the crowd was already frustrated as they started yelling things like "Touch yourself" and "Take it off, baby."

She then strutted directly towards the men infront of her and smirked at them as she kneeled down just a couple inches away from the crowd and started to sensually hump the floor of the stage, giving them a a great view of her breasts as they bounced. Some of the men were throwing huge bills to the stage while others were reaching to her and stuffing it in her bra or, when she turned around to give them a back view they stuffed some in her thong. She quickly retreated the ones in her underwear, putting with the ones in her bra, as she got up and went back to he chair.

She walked around the chair, giving an innocent smile as she swiftly took off her thong as she made her way around it. She was sure by now their guys in the crowd blatantly jacking off; but she didn't care, she was just hoping that she was getting Lauren as turned on as she was getting the crowd infront of her. She then sat back on the chair, feeling the cold surface on her skin, she looked over the stage coordinator signaling she was close to being done with her performance.

She was sitting with her legs firmly pressed together as her hand made their way up her legs, to her breasts that she momentarily squeezed and gave the crowd a flash of her round breasts before making their way back down; she only wanted to give them a little tease of her breasts, leave them wanting more she thought.

Her hands finally made returned to their initial position on either side of her legs then went across each respective leg to where they were pressed together, then she slowly pushed them apart until her whole bottom half was revealed for the crowd to see. She then started to rub her center, giving the whole length of it two light strokes before playfully smiling at the crowd as she put two fingers into her. This was only brief as after she brought the two fingers up to her mouth and sucked them all while getting up and walking off; leaving the crowd to yell and scream the loudest anyone had heard that whole evening.

She shyly accepted compliments as she made her way off the stage; she quickly put her underwear back on and rob over it as she went to go to the changing room that was slightly farther away from the general backstage area. While walking there, she felt in sort of daze, not believing what she had just done; she looked at the money, the ones she collected in her bra and along with the rest of the bills that were on the stage that she couldn't get to so the stage coordinator gave to her afterwards, and couldn't help but feel as if it was worth it. When she got back to her shitty apartment and showed Dinah all this money, she was sure Dinah was going to say that same. Suddenly, her thoughts were interrupted as, after she opened the door to the changing room, she was pulled in. The person puling her being none other than Lauren.

Lauren wasted no time as she pulled Camila in to a kiss whist closing and locking the door that she then pressed Camila up against. Her lips never leaving Camila's as both of them kissed each other desperately, their tongues in a battle with one other. Finally Lauren slowly pulled away but she still kept her face less than an inch closer to Camila; as they both caught their breath, Lauren pulled her robe off of her and motioned for her to go on top of the dresser. Camila obliged before teasingly saying, "You aren't one for alot of foreplay."

"If you saw yourself up there, you would want alot of foreplay too," she said in a husky voice as she took off all of Camila's underwear without ever stopping eye contact. Camila loved looking at Lauren's green eyes especially when they were filled with lust because they got darker and more sexier. "I wanted to fuck you so bad but I couldn't obviously then, but now I have you here, all sexy and ready for me, so there's no way in hell I'm going to waste anytime in fucking you senseless."

Before she even got a chance to process what Lauren said, Lauren was already down in front of her throbbing center giving it gently strokes as she french kissed Camila's inner thigh. "Oh, Lauren, please," she begged in anticipation for Lauren's tongue on her now very wet area.
Lauren smirked against Camila's leg, loving how easy it was to get the small girl to beg; she then used her hands to part Camila's vagina lips, spreading them open as she started to rhythmically lick the most intimate area of Camila. As Camila's moans grew, Lauren stated to focus more and more on her clit until that was where all her tongue was giving attention to. Camila felt her climax coming, just as Lauren did and entered a finger in her while still circling the girl's clit with her tongue to help her achieve the orgasm faster.

"Shit, keep going, I'm gon-" she interrupted herself with a loud moan signaling that she had reached her climax as she tightly squeezed Lauren's hair, instinctively pushing Lauren's face more into her.

Lauren saw Camila slowly recovering, she stood up and just admired Camila's body. Camila opened her eyes to see Lauren smiling at her; it wasn't a smirk or smile that looked like it had lust along with it, it was just a genuine sweet smile. She felt herself beginning to melt from the way Lauren was looking at her, she composed herself a little to say, "You know, it's not very fair that for the second time we do this, you are fully clothed," she pouted afterwards.

Lauren giggled, "Well if you come home with me then we'll do this for a third time and I promise I will be fully nude," she said with her smile only getting wider.

Camila raised her eyebrow at the suggestion, "Do you normally take your strippers back home with you?"

"No but I've decided you won't be working for me as a stripper anymore," Camila instantly panicked about to object but Lauren just continued, "You'll be working as a bartender but I'll make sure you make same amount if not more than you just made. I just don't want you stripping cause I want you to myself, that is if you want to be, of course." Lauren said very sweetly.

Just then, Camila knew she unlocked something new from Lauren; this was a cute and sweet side from her that she would have never expected. She very much liked it and she liked the change of plans in her job, even though it was unclear what was going on with her and Lauren; Camila was willing to give herself to Lauren for as long as she wanted her to be and in whatever way she wanted her to be.

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