Secrets *

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*Sexual Content*

Camila Cabello had the perfect life; beautiful, talented, popular, a straight A student with the GPA of 4.2, varsity cheer captain, and Student Council President.  Everyday she would come to school greeted with endearing and envious eyes, everyone either wanted to be her or be with her. She had it all, the life others dreamed of; but under all the perfection she had one dirty little secret. A green-eyed, leather jacket wearing, cigarette smoking secret, her girlfriend of 3 years, Lauren Jauregui.

Lauren was the school's bad girl, total textbook badass: she broke rules, skipped class, and lead a troublesome group of others just like her. Everyone knew to stay away from Lauren and everyone around her, they were nothing but trouble, they spread trouble, being within a five foot radius would get you in trouble. Though her tough demeanor was feared by many, the bad girl had a soft spot for none other that Camila Cabello; the school's it girl and her supposed arch nemesis. 

Camila and Lauren were from two different worlds; Camila was part of the preppy, popular clique who everyone adored and treated like royalty while Lauren was part of of group that was despised by many: teachers, students, parents.  Initially, the two girls hated each other but after a non-negotiable partner biology project in sophomore year, sparks went flying. Neither of them wanted to like eachother, they wanted to despise one another but they couldn't. Camila couldn't help the butterflies that erupted in her stomach when green eyes would lock with brown. Lauren couldn't push away the fact that when she saw Camila smile or  heard her laugh, her heart would both swell and flutter uncontrollably. Both couldn't deny how a simple touch would ignite a fire and create goosebumps. The two girls knew that they couldn't live without one another but they didn't know how to be together without causing a social uprawr. Camila went to her closest friend and fellow teammate, Dinah, to express her feelings for the  green-eyed girl. She knew Dinah wouldn't judge her, but her Poly friend didn't necessarily like the idea.  While Camila went to Dinah, Lauren went to her college bound best friend, Zayn. Zayn completely understood because he was once in love in love with a member of Camila's clique, his girlfriend, Perrie. The two kept a secret relationship until they graduated, after finishing high school they ran off together and are now living happily. That's where Lauren got the idea to propose a secret relationship, although Camila was skeptical she couldn't resist the girl who she would soon find out was the love of her life.

Like any couple the two went on dates but they were usually done in dimly lit small restaurants; hugs, cuddles, and kisses were all reserved for the secluded setting of their homes. Neither of them could deny how hard it was, seeing one another everyday and having to pretend like they weren't in love, they would even have to send glare or two and bicker at each other if people started to get too suspicious. It became especially hard to be arch rivals when they became sexually active, every time Camila would wear her short cheerleading skirt Lauren would have to resist the urge to jump her and every time Lauren gave Camila her signature sexy smirk she would have to distract herself from the thought of Lauren's touch. Also like any couple they had their fights, most stemming from the strains of keeping a secret relationship. Every once in a while one of the girls would get fed up with the whole secret dating arrangement, then they would end up in a 20 minute screaming match about how they felt like the other was ashamed.

Their fights only lasted a minimum of 2 days, all it took was one look; Camila would melt when Lauren's sad green eyes locked with hers, after school she would drive to Lauren's house and mutter a simple 'sorry' before crashing their lips together. Or visa versa.

It was nearing graduation and the low-key couple couldn't be more excited, they decided once they graduated they would follow in Zayn and Perrie's footsteps, run away and live happily ever after. Although Lauren was a supposed badass, she was smart, she held a solid A, B average and aced the ACT's with a score of 32, therefore she was going to college, with Camila. Camila had told her green-eyed girlfriend she was attending UCLA, to get as far away from Miami as possible, Lauren was more that willing to follow her girlfriend anywhere she went. With 2 months until graduation and senioritis in full effect the two girls were getting... Risky.

Camila was at her locker, packing up her things from her last class, the hallways were seemingly empty all the students either eating lunch or in their classrooms. Although she was popular, she was extremely introverted; all she needed was a book, a bed and some time to herself. That seemed to be the only time when she was truly content and happy, well except her moments with Lauren. She loved the late night cuddles and kisses, the way the cold-hearted bad girl would turn into a warm, loving, teddy bear warmed her heart, and what made it even better; Lauren's kind warmness was only reserved for her. Just as she was about to close her locker she felt two slender arms snake around her waist, the familiar scent of cigarettes, strawberry and vanilla invaded her senses, she smile when a soft kiss was place upon her cheek.

"Hi Lauren." She said happily leaning into her girlfriends touch.

"Hi Camz." Lauren said placing her chin on the smaller girl's shoulder. Camila turned around, wrapping her arms around Lauren's neck and pulling her in close, Lauren squeezed her little waist tightly, closing her eyes as she took in her girlfriend.

"I missed you." Camila mumbled against Lauren's neck, the green-eyed girl let out a little chuckle and hugged her tighter.

"You saw me yesterday." She said pulling back a bit to look at Camila.

Camila was breath taking, she had her hair was styled half up and half down, exposing every part of her face; her flawless cheekbones, her full lips and beautiful brown eyes which were shining bright due to the sun shining through the window.

"I know, but I saw you today too. You were sitting in your little spot with your friends, I saw you smiling,  you just looked so cute and all I wanted to do was go over and kiss you." Camila said letting out a sad sigh, Lauren put her forehead to Camila's and pecked her nose.

"Two more months baby, then we're outta here... We'll go where no one can find us." Lauren said softly swaying the two gently.

"You promise?"

"I promise." Lauren confirmed.

Camila nodded then brought her lips to Lauren's moaning softly as they moved them together. Lauren pulled back causing, Camila to let out a little whimper, she chuckled then unraveled herself from the smaller girl.

"I got you something." Lauren said.

Camila perked up and put on a broad smile. Lauren pulled out small stuffed kitten from her pocket, Camila took it from her hand and squeezed it tightly letting out a little squeal.

"Aww Lo." Camila cooed.

"I saw it in the window at a little toy store... I thought about you because you're puuurrrfect." Lauren said tapping Camila's nose.

Camila took Lauren's hand, intertwining their fingers, a small smile appeared as goosebumps formed on both of their hands.

"Three years and I still give you goosebumps." Camila said swinging their hands, Lauren chuckled and looked down at their intertwined fingers. She loved the way they fit perfectly, as if they were designed specifically for each other.

"Yea, or your hands are just cold." Lauren quipped. Camila took a hold of Lauren's leather jacket and pulled the taller girl closer to her, she leaned in to hover Lauren's lips, brushing them together teasingly.

"Or maybe you're in love with me." She whispered.

"Nah, I doubt it. Your hands are just cold." Lauren retorted playfully trying not to gaze at the cheerleader's full pink lips, instead licking her own while looking deeply in Camila's eyes.

"Oh really? So when I do this..." Camila trailed off giving Lauren a quick kiss.

"You don't feel anything? Your heart doesn't jump out of your chest? Your mind doesn't fog?" Camila asked in a low tone before giving the green-eyed girl another kiss.

"N-Nope." Lauren choked out knowing all of those things were true; she loved when Camila kissed her, she had enticing pillow soft lips that had a faint taste of banana because of her chapstick. Sparks would fly throughout her body when Camila's lips met with hers and her head would spin, every single time.

"Lies." Camila stated narrowing her eyes, Lauren smirked and shook her head.

"I tell no lies, I'm 100% honest all the time." Camila put on puppy dog eyes and an adorable pout.

"So you don't love me?" The smaller girl asked innocently.

"No I don't love you... I love you times ten thousand." Lauren said sweetly, Camila giggled and shook her head in amusement before pulling her girlfriend in for a long tender kiss.

Camila pulled back causing the taller girl to groan, she turned around to put the stuffed kitten in her locker, but being the clumsy girl she is she dropped something in the process. Lauren's green eyes darkened when she caught a glimpse of Camila's black lace panties, once Camila stood up she took the opportunity to take in the her outfit. The brown-eyed girl had on a short plaid skirt and a tight fitted collared shirt, she had the buttons popped so you could see a slither of the her cleavage.

"See something you like?" Camila asked tugging her bottom lip in between her teeth.

Lauren licked her lips then set her lips to form the sexy smirk that sent a chill down Camila's spine. Camila leaned back against her locker and wiggled her finger motioning Lauren to come to her, the taller girl sauntered over slowly biting her lip as she came closer.

"Is this Sofi's shirt? It's awfully small don't you think..."  Lauren trailed of tugging at the hem of the other girl's shirt.

The raven haired girl placed her hands on Camila's hips pulling her in closer while rubbing soft circles on the slither of exposed skin, she smirked when Camila shuddered and let out a soft moan. Camila's breath hitched when she felt soft kisses being placed up her neck, her eyes searched for a clock, trying to check the time to see when the the students would start flooding the hallways. Her eyes fluttered shut when Lauren's hand ran up her shirt, lightly scratching at her stomach, she moaned and jerked her hips forward when the green-eyed bad girl scraped her teeth across her pulse point.

"Lo, lets go to the janitors closet." Camila breathed out.

Lauren wasn't listening, her mind was too fogged by lust and the need to touch her girlfriend, her senses went into overdrive as the sweet smell of Camila's perfume filled her nose. Her hand traveled further up the smaller girl's shirt, more goosebumps arose as her hand moved up her toned stomach and tanned skin.

"Your skin is so soft." She mumbled against Camila's neck. Camila moaned when Lauren began nipping and sucking at her neck, she subconsciously arched her back and craned her head back when Lauren's tongue ran across the marks she left.

"Lauren, we- we c-can't... Someone's gonna- Oh my god..." She moaned when Lauren's hand cupped her breast, palming it roughly.

Lauren slipped her hand past the smaller girl's bra and began kneading at the bare skin, flicking and rolling her nipple causing Camila to let out a long moan. Lauren's other hand crept down to her girlfriend's ass, she slipped it Camila short skirt moaning as her hand came in contact with smooth tanned skin.

"Baby, we can't." Camila whined.

Her mind was slowly fogging as the familiar ache between her legs became more prominent. She loved the way Lauren touched her, she knew exactly what to do with her hands which made Camila melt under her touch. The only thing keeping her from enjoying this moment fully is that they were in the hallway; anyone could walk past and the secret they've been keeping would be exposed and what made it worse is that she was actually getting hotter at the risk of getting caught, the thrill made her body writhe with excitement. Lauren's teeth sunk into neck making her let out a shriek of pain and pleasure.

"Fuck Lo." She moaned. Lauren's hands traveled down Camila's thighs, cupping them as she hoisted her girlfriend up against the locker.

"How are you so strong? You smoke like 4 packs a day." Camila breathed out as Lauren's lips kept working at her neck. Lauren chuckled against Camila's neck before pulling back to look into her girlfriend's lust filled black eyes.

"You're forgetting that I throw kids in the trash can every day, all that lifting and tossing really bulks a person up." Lauren said.

"You're such a bully... It's so hot." Camila growled  before grabbing the green-eyed girl's face and connecting their lips hungrily.

Lauren moaned when Camila's tongue darted in her mouth fighting to dominated it, Camila's hands tangled themselves in silky black locks trying desperately to get closer. The brown-eyed girl moaned into Lauren's mouth when she felt a soft hand trail up her thigh and cup her center. Lauren broke the kiss and looked into blown out eyes, she smirked when she saw the pleading look in them. Camila wrapped her legs around Lauren's waist and jerked her hips forward in order to get some type of friction. She moaned, craning her head back against the locker when Lauren began rubbing slowly, she let out and impatient whimper and bucked her hips.

"Baby, please." She whined.

Lauren latched her lips onto the smaller girl's neck again lapping slowly as she pushed the lace panties to the side. They both moaned as Lauren's hand came in contact with wet heat, she ran her fingers through her girlfriend's folds causing Camila to let out a long low moan. Camila's head banged against the locker when Lauren began rubbing lazy circles on her straining bundle of nerves.

"Fuck!" She hissed, grinding down on Lauren's hand.

Camila bit down on her bottom lip when Lauren's lazy circles turned into tight quick circles, her body writhed as as Lauren kept working at her neck, biting at various places ensuring that there would be marks. Lauren's hand left Camila's clit and repositioned itself at her entrance, she felt the heat radiating onto her fingers, she teasingly circled the smaller girl's entrance spreading wetness throughout her center.

"Lauren, no teasing please. Just fuck me." Camila begged making the bad girl smirk.
"With pleasure." With that said she pushed a solitary finger into Camila's molten core and began pumping.

"More." Camila breathed.

Lauren skillfully pushed another finger in and began pumping harder and faster. Camila moaned and arched her back off the locker, she was in a euphoric bliss; feeling Lauren's fingers brush against her walls,  the way they were hitting every spot with in, she knew her climax was going to come crashing into her at any minute.  The badass' fingers worked faster, twisting and scissoring inside of the small girl, the way Camila was panting and moaning her name fueled her to go even deeper. She wanted to hear her girlfriend make more noise so she added another finger and brought her thumb up to massage Camila's clit.

"Oh shit Laur," Camila hissed, loving the sensation. She began bucking her hips to meet Lauren's thrust, her walls began to flutter and the coil in her stomach began to tighten.

"Harder, baby harder." She panted, Lauren let out a little grunt and slammed her fingers into Camila, sinking them as deep as they could go. Her wrist was getting tired but she wanted to put her girlfriend on cloud nine so she gathered all her strength and began pumping as hard and fast as she could.

"Oh my god, yes! Fuck me!" Camila shrieked as her body began to shake violently.

"Come for me baby." Lauren mumbled against the brunette's neck.

With one hard pump, a swirl on her clit and a nip at her neck Camila was gone, her inner walls clamped down on Lauren's fingers and her body writhed violently. There was a gush of hot liquid on Lauren's hand, she slowed down the pace helping Camila ride out her orgasm while placing soft kisses on her neck. She pulled back and looked into hazed brown eyes, giggling at the lazy smile plastered Camila's face, she leaned forward to pace a soft kiss on her slightly parted lips, once Camila was fully relaxed she pulled her fingers out causing the smaller girl to sigh.  Camila came down from her high and looked into loving green eyes, she smiled while caressing her girlfriend's cheek.

"I love you." She said softly before leaning capture her lips in a tender kiss.

"I love you too." Lauren whispered against Camila's lips then leaning back in for another long passionate kiss.

The two girls pulled back smiling at eachother, Lauren put the other girl down laughing as she tried to stand up on weak legs. Camila straightened up her clothes before grabbing her
girlfriend's hand and pulling her in close.

"You're so amazing." She said sweetly causing Lauren to blush and put on a bashful smile.

"So are you coming over so I can you know... Return the favor?" She asked.

"Oh no babe, you don't have to do that. But I will come over because I need my cuddles so be ready with your comfiest PJ's and a vast amount of junk food... Oh and netflix, definitely netflix." Lauren said swaying their linked hands. Camila smiled and leaned up to kiss the green-eyed girl softly. 

"Would you shut up pom-poms, I don't care about your stupid back-handspring!" A voice said from down the hall. Camila and Lauren sighed sadly, knowing they would have to go back to pretending to hate each other.

"I love you." Lauren said quickly before placing a quick kiss on the brunette's lips.

"I love you too."

Lauren unraveled her hand from Camila's, immediately missing the warmth, she tried to put on her best angry face and pushed Camila up against the locker. Two girls came around the corner, one being Lauren's friend, Normani and the other Ally, Camila's friend, Lauren looked up then reverted her attention back to Camila who was shooting her a fake glare. 

"And if you ever look at me like that again, I'll punch you so hard you'll be blind and deaf for a week." Lauren said angrily pushing lightly on the cheerleader's chest.

"Shut the fuck up Jauregui! You won't do anything, you're all talk! Now get out of my way." Camila shot back slapping Lauren's hand away and storming off.

"Fuck you, Cabello." Lauren growled storming off in the opposite direction.

Once the girls were out of sight Ally and Normani turned to each other and burst out into a fit of laughter.

"I wonder if they'll ever find out everyone knows they're a couple." Ally said trying to control her laughter making Normani laugh harder. 

"Camren is so real."

My Favorite Camren One-Shots (Part 3)Where stories live. Discover now