camping trip

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Finally it was the day of the camping trip, nothing really happened last week except for a few run ins with Amber. And Max going on a week trip to go visit his dad in France or something. "Miss Jones, please get on the bus and stop daydreaming" Mr. Robinson said
Of course he had to be one of the chaperones, "I'm coming jeez" I said walking onto the bus
I sat down next to Lexi, Alex sat next to Chrissy, Brandon sat next to Hunter for obvious reasons, Ryder sat with some girl I don't know, Everett sat with Seth
"I think someone has a crush" Lexi said grinning at Ryder
"Speaking of Ryder, do you know that girl he's with" I asked looking over at the girl, she had very tan skin, big brown eyes and long black hair. "I've seen her around school, I'm pretty sure her name is Isabelle" she said
"Hey guys, this is Isabelle, Isabelle this is everyone" Ryder said now standing near us with Isabelle
"So since this dumbass doesn't know how to introduce us properly, I'm Blake, that's Lexi, Alex, Chrissy, Brandon, Hunter, Seth and Aiden" I said pointing to everyone as I said their name, "why are you so mean?" Ryder asked
"First you call me a child for eating cheeseballs from YOUR HOUSE, then you call me a dumbass" he finished
"The cheeseballs were Levi's, and I'm not that mean" I said
"Well then, it's nice to meet
everybody" Isabelle said through giggles
"Soooooo, you guys like a thing or something" Brandon asked
"No,um, we're just friends" Ryder said blushing the tiniest bit.
"For now" Lexi whispered in my ear
We started laughing and everyone looked at us
The bus started moving and we all sat down, I plugged in my ear buds and turned my music on full blast

At the place their camping

"So class we will separate into 4 groups, each group will have 8 people in it, since we have 34 people in the class we will have one group of 10" one of the teachers I dont know said
"Group one will be Mason,Amber,larissa,Sam,Olivia,
Markus,luke,Rayden, Michelle and Alexander" Mr.robinson said
After he named some of the groups I started listening again
"Group 3 is, um is this right?" He asked showing a clipboard to the teacher next to him
I saw her nod her head yes
"Ugh, group 3 is, Blake Collins, Alex Lauren, Christina Blackson, Aiden Everett, Ryder Harshmen, Brandon Lakeson, Seth Matthews and Isabelle Crawford" he said
We all looked at eachother and grinned but then I realised we wouldn't be able to keep an eye on Hunter.

After getting to our camping spots and setting up it was time to eat, "so who the hell is cooking and who brought food?" Brandon asked
"The teachers were supposed to supply the food but all they gave us was a frozen pizza, how the fuck are we supposed to cook a frozen pizza over a fire?!" Seth said
"Wait,did any one bring a gun with them?" Alex asked
All of us raised our hands except for Isabelle and Alex
"Why did everyone bring a gun and why is know one else concerned?" Isabelle asked
"Talk about it later, but why do we need our guns?" Chrissy asked
"We can go hunting" alex said
"How many guns did everyone bring" Lexi asked
"I only brought a handgun" Ryder said
"Same" seth said
"Same" Chrissy said
"Yup" Brandon said
"I couldn't sneak anything else without it being obvious" Lexi said
"I brought my handgun and another one" everett said
"What about you Blake?" Lexi asked
"Um I might have brought a little bit extra just incase my perents 'friends'show up" I said
"Blake, how many guns did you bring" lexi asked again
"Like, 6 mabey 7" I said
"Its just a camping trip. Why would they come for you here" alex asked
"They arent the most secretive people" I said
"Oh, that reminds me, how are we supposed to keep an eye on Hunter, and has anyone seen him doing anything suspicious" I said
"He's been making a lot of phone calls" brandon said
"Can you ever hear what he's saying" I asked
"A few days ago I got close enough to him to hear him say something about Samantha and Christopher Moonblood, and something about their missing daughter" he said
"Arent they the leaders of one of the top 3 gangs in the state" I said
"Um, yeah how do you know that" Ryder said
"I've heard things about them" I said
I'm so fucking confused right now" Isabelle said
"Let's just go hunting then we can eat" alex said
"I agree" I said

After eating and hunting

"So Alex, Isabelle,chrissy and Lexi share a tent, the guys share a tent and I get one to myself, sound good" I said
"Nu uh, you get to share to" Brandon said
"Who wants to share a tent with me" I asked
Everyone looked around, "no offence, but you are worse then a bear in the morning, and if you cant sleep at night that's just ten times worse" Lexi said
"But it's not fair, their are more guys then girls here" brandon said
"What are you gonna do about it?" I asked
"Great point, but why give the girls the biggest tent" he said
"First person to leave the guys tent because they cant sleep has to sleep in a tent with Blake" Brandon said
"Why am I involved in this" I asked
"Because" was all brandon said before walking into his tent
After a while everyone slowly went to sleep Evrett and I were still wide awake
"Come here, I wanna show you somthing" Everett said
"Um,ok, where are we going?" I asked
"You'll see" he said
I got up and followed him, he lead me to a small mountain, "is this where your gunna kill me?" I asked
" yes, I'm going to push you off a cliff" he said sarcastically
We continued walking, but then I heard water rushing, "race you up their" Everett said before running off
"Thanks for the warning jackass!" I yelled running up to him
When we reached the top of the mountain I was amazed at the sight, it was surprisingly bright up here, the stars were shining to their full potential, and there was a cliff leading down to what looked like a lake with a water fall opposite of us,"wow, how did you find this place" I asked
" when we were hunting" he said laying down on the ground near the edge of the cliff, I say down next to him, "remember when you went shopping with me, like a week before the trip" I asked
"Yeah, why" he said looking up at the stars
"You said you would tell me about what you said about missions" I said remembering the conversation we had in the food court
"I knew you would ask about that again" he said not breaking his gaze from the stars
"So, what did you mean?" I asked
"Well, I'm kinda a leader of a gang called, Moon Warriors" he said hesitantly
"Wait, isn't that the strongest gang in the state" I asked
"Yeah, it is, one of our missions were to find the missing daughter of the leaders of the Moonblood Wolves, the gang Samntha and Christopher Moonblood lead" he said
"Why does that matter,?" I asked
"Everyone in out friend group is in the gang except for you and-"
"Hunter" I said cutting him off
"So, hunters not in your gang, but he knows about the Moonblood's daughter" I said putting it together
"Only people who are in close gangs to the Moonblood's know that they even had a daughter" he said sitting up next to me
"What other gangs are close to the Moonblood's" I ask
"The Fallen and The black soul gangs" he said
"One detail I didn't mention about the van of people who killed my dad, it had the letters, B S G in big black letters on the side of it" I said
"That doesn't make sense,they dont just kill anyone because they can" he said
"My question is why didn't they kill me when they could" I said

Hey guys, I bet you expected it to be a romantic moment when they reached the mountain but guess what, kinda the opposite, but anyway hope you enjoyed,

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