We continued floating. I didn't have the strength to keep track of the alarms beeps anymore. I was just so tired.

When the beeping went off again, not even Keith wanted to sound off.

"Keith, shouldn't we sound off?" Lance asked.

"What's the point?" Keith asked, almost sounding like he was barely pushing out a breath.

"Lance here."

"Pidge here."

"Allura here."

"Saoirse here." I responded.

"I am Hunk."

"I wonder how my dad and Matt are doing." Pidge wondered aloud.

"Better than us, hopefully." Keith said.

I smiled, thinking about what waited for us on Earth. Hopefully, I could contact my family and they could come to Earth. And when all of this is over, I would spend all the time I could with them.

"My father had something he always said in dire situations." Allura said.

""Give up"?" Keith said, causing me to freeze.

"Sorry?" Allura asked, her voice filled with temper.

"It just doesn't seem like he was a real fighter when the chips were down." Keith answered, further infuriating Allura.

"Keith, come on." Hunk said.

"Keith, that was harsh." I said, concerned with his depressing attitude.

"You have a lot of nerve questioning someone's leadership seeing how you left us!" Allura shouted.

"Allura, please." Hunk begged.

"As I recall, you were the one who got us all cozied up to Lotor." Keith said. Lance turned his head towards Keith with anger filled eyes.

"Keith, you ran away. Maybe you should have just stayed away." Lance said angrily.

"Lance, please enough!" I said, trying to calm everyone down. This was terrifying me to the bone. Not only were we lost in space, but now we were losing our sanity and trust to our friends.

"Yeah, everyone stop!" Hunk shouted, "Look, guys, I understand what's happening here. You're all brave heroes who don't know how to react to being scared, and its causing you to attack one another. That or you're all going space mad. Hopefully, you're just scared. I'm scared all the time. I can talk you through it."

Keith glared at Hunk, "Sorry, Hunk, I guess I just don't know how to be a coward." He said.

"Right. That's what I'm saying." Hunk said smiling, not even noticing that Keith's words were meant as an insult.

"Why don't you just leave him alone, Keith?" Lance said, "Just drift off by yourself, Mr. Lone Wolf."

"Fine." Keith said, activating his jetpack and preparing to fly off, when I grabbed his hand shouting, "Don't! We have to stay together!"

"Why should I, Saoirse?" Keith asked, "Are we really even friends? Is there anything holding us together besides some messed up series of coincidences?"

His words hit me like a knife to the chest directly to my heart. Did he really think of us like that? Did he really think of me like that?

"I mean, what are we? Some chosen saviors? Do you all really believe that? What are we even doing out here?!"

I looked down, not even trying to hide the tears of sadness and frustration from anyone.

"We're doing what we have to." Hunk said from behind me. But that wasn't the answer for Keith.

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