Chapter 9: Forgotten childhood

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As I unlock the door to our home while carrying the groceries I couldn't stop thinking about what happened back at the store, and how just looking at that man I could feel the past punching me right at the gut and having my stomach turn as I unloaded the groceries I feel a giant being towering above me and feeling the fur that surrounds me "Asgore what are you doing?" I asked surprised and shaken "Oh nothing dear just wanted to feel you" Asgore whispering in my ear and sending shocks throughout my body. "Oh ok well I'm done putting the groceries away maybe we should check on the flower sh...GAH!!!" I feel Asgore's hand grabbing my butt "Let's check on it later, you really made me heated back at the store and I need to release some pent up steam" he seductively whisper's in my ear sending even more shocks throughout my body making me whimper a bit "Asgore......I'm not feeling it right now can you stop please" I said pushing his arms away. "What's the matter (y/n) did I do something wrong?" Asgore said with a sadden face that has guilt written all over it, dang it that makes me feel even more guilty. "No it's not that I'm just still shaken up over what happened back at the store" I said hugging his giant body "You mean the encounter with that man who was apparently your father?" He said patting my head as I nodded "Do you want to tell me why you don't like your father" he said lifting me up and carrying me in a bridal style "Yeah it's about time you knew about my past before falling into the underground...let's go into the bedroom so I can explain everything to you"

As I feel Asgore taking me upstairs to the bedroom I try to remember everything fully so I don't confuse Asgore, and I also need to word it differently so Asgore doesn't go into a rage while listening to it. As I open my eyes we made it to the bedroom well here we go time to tell him about my past "ok you can bring me down I need a moment before telling you all this its...a lot to uncover" As Asgore let me down I begin breathing slowly getting ready to tell a story that will for sure make him mad. "So before I start you promise not to get mad and try to find my "dad" after telling you all this" I say to him just for extra caution "Yes I won't get mad" he says with a straight face "Well it all started when I was little my mother was always at home taking care of me while my dad works, the thing about my dad though was he was a heavy drinker so every night he would come home drunk and start yelling at my mother over the smallest things and he would usually take it out on the both of us but since my mother was there she would protect me from him" As I was saying the first part of my story I could feel Asgore tense up, so I continue my story "Well one day my mother fell ill and she had to be taken to the hospital and while she was recovering my dad packed everything and took me away one day and I remember him driving away, so basically he took me away from my mother, and there was another reason why it was because my mother found out while recovering that my dad was cheating on her with some hooker he met while at the bar" I said in one big paragraph and before I could continue I see Asgore mouth open "What in the world.....oh your not done...continue" he said as he closes his mouth and letting me continue "As I was saying he took me away and we moved into to another country which had the big mountain which the underground was at, and everyday my dad would come home drunk and since my mother wasn't there anymore he took it out on me instead everyday it was the same thing he comes home yells and beats me and told me if I told anyone he would kill me which scared me so I had to keep quiet my whole life and I never knew how to defend myself so everyday I would get out the house before he comes back to get away from his abuse and I would go to the mountains....well one day the abuse got worse, and I got the news that my mother passed so I ran to the mountains and I had dark thoughts in my head like maybe no one would miss me if I were to fall down in this hole....but I wasn't actually going to do it but I tripped and fell down and thinking I was going to die but I woke up on the flower bed, and from then on I guess my life gotten better I made friends, others cared about me and the best part......I met you so that's my past I'm sorry if it sounds confusing Asgore I just didn't want to stretch it out and I rather not talk about it in depth" I paused waiting for Asgore reaction "I...I...I don't know what to say (y/n).....I'm so sorry that happened to you, your father is a terrible man" Asgore hugged me and kissed me on the head.

"It's ok my life is better now that I have you nothing can hurt me" I say to him with the feeling of relief rushing inside me. "Next time I see that man I will royally hurt him" Asgore said while feeling his body shake probably from anger "Hey what did I say about not getting angry about this" I said backing away from Asgore "I can't help it after what that man did how could I not be angry" I can understand why Asgore feels like that but looking into there is no way that man can hurt me anymore I'm old enough to live my own life "Well it's ok now he can't hurt us so let it go for now ok" I reassured Asgore rubbing his arm "How can I let it go
......ok fine I'll let it go but warning if I do see him there is a chance I will attack him" I sigh "ok ok ok" As I feel Asgore put his arms around me and kissing me on the lips "I'm glad you told me all of this" I sigh full of relief "Yeah I'm glad I told you" I said giving a kiss to him "I love you (y/n)"

"I love you too Asgore" As we stood there feeling each other's warm embrace. "Now should we go check up on the flower shop" I see Asgore chuckling "Yes let's go check it" as he Carries me in the bridal style again as I feel like I no longer need to hide anything.

Quickly finished this chapter I'm sorry if it looked rushed because I wanted to quickly get out a chapter for you guys and thank you for all the comments and likes you gave me I really appreciate it and it motivates me to continue writing so until then....

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