Chapter 8 Part 1: Early Morning Breakfast

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I wake up while the sun shines down in my eyes blinding me "Mmmm" was all I could manage to say for some reason the bed feels light and cold I look around to see Asgore gone "Asgore?" I called out I hear no response. I get out of the bed and and go to the bathroom to clean myself up and remembering what happen last night, the way he made my body feel warm and complete I went to take a shower, and feel the water pouring all over me the refreshing feeling and I turn the water off and got dress. I made my way downstairs and smell something that is familiar "Eggs and Bacon?" I walk to the kitchen to see a completely naked beast "ASGORE!!!" I screamed at the sight that surprise me "AHHHHH!!!" I heard him as he drop the the large wooden spoon. "(Y/N) my you gave me a scare I see your awake" he came over to me and gives me a kiss on the cheek, I blushed "How are you love?" Love? did he just call me feels good to hear that from him "Good" I smiled at him "Good just sit down I will get your breakfast for you" He goes back and picks the wooden spoon and puts it in the sink, I sit down and waited for a bit and he comes over and gives a plate of Eggs and Bacon with pancakes and on the pancake he made a heart with the words 'I love you' with syrup. I smiled at the pancake and decided to eat it last because i'm saving the best for last. After the great breakfast with Asgore I decided to get ready for another day. I looked at the to do list for today. We have a lot to do: buy grocery, helping out undyne, cleaning the storage house. Guess I can clean the storage house tomorrow. After looking over and planning for the day I quickly get dressed and told Asgore to change so we can start the day. Asgore almost always never gets ready quick enough. 'Ok all done' I said to myself and walked downstairs to the front door. "You ready (Y/N)?" Asgore saying walking downstairs still trying to get his sweater on "Yeah let's go" I said grabbing my keys. We walked out the door and lock it 'OK time to start the day' I said in my head now prepare to start the day fully.

Sorry for the long long long wait I had writers block and had a lot on my plate unfortunately I honestly lost the interest to write or continue but after a friend and I talked I got my groove back don't worry this is a short chapter the second part of this chapter will come out I just need to plan how it's going to go well stay tune for now. Thank you my readers

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