08: The Helpful Stranger

Start from the beginning

He wasn't much old, maybe the same age as Namjoon. He was waving frantically at Jungkook as if he was a lighthouse and Jungkook the ship which was looking for direction.

Jungkook jogged his way to the man, little scared. What if he was a thief? Should he run? Call for help ? But there was nobody around.

"Weren't trying to suicide now, are you? I know how how fucked up the society is when it comes to homos but we must still live boy." The man handed JK his phone. He was also holding a cup of coffee in his hand.

"What are you saying?" Jungkook was confused. This man was blabering anything.

"You, homo, gay !" He pointed at JK and started counting with his fingers.

"Gay me ? What the fuck! This face looks gay to you?" JK protruded his neck forward, glaring at the man now.

The man raised up his hands in surrender. "Woah woah, hear me out. Weren't you just confessing, standing in water? And I did hear you say 'hyung'." He explained, making quotations mark with his fingers.

Jungkook snorted. He was disgusted seeing how judgemental the man is. Fuck society!

"I'm as straight as a pen." Jungkook deadpanned.

"Looks otherwise to me." The man whispered to himself but Jk did hear him anyways.

"DAMN YOU-" Jungkook began but the man pushed the coffee cup in front of his face.

"Here, have this. I bought it for you." He said, trying to avoid Jungkook's wrath. When Jungkook didn't say anything, he took hold of his hand and placed the cup in Jk's palm.

"Bouncing bunnies, that's hot." Jungkook winced, holding the cup with the other hand now.

"Ofcourse it is hot. I brewed it just now. Try it, it is perfect for this cold weather."

Jungkook eyed the man suspiciously. Did he poison it ? But the way he was smiling, oh so beautifully just like Jhope, Jk's doubts flew out of the window.

Moreover, he did feel cold, now that the wind swept over his wet jeans. He took a sip and no regrets followed. His whole body felt the warmth from the delicious drip coffee.

The man saw Jk's expressions change. He smiled even more. "How you like that?"

"I must say, this is delicious. Who are you though? Do I know you?" Jungkook asked.

This man just came up to him out of nowhere, offering him free coffee. He cannot be an angel, there has to be some connection.

"Nope you don't know me. I work up there, at The Belgium." He pointed towards the streets where Jk saw a small but pretty coffee shop.

"I saw you trying to commit suicide or whatever and thought you could use some help. So here I am." He flops his hand up then down. He was nice, Jungkook concluded. A ray of sunshine in despair. World needs people like him.

"Sooo, mind sharing your concern? I'm a good advisor." He wiggled his brows playfully at Jungkook, who couldn't help but laugh.

"I'd like to but I must return. It's too la- holy mother of bunnies ! When did the clock strike 9?" Jungkook looked at the time on his phone.

"Amm when you were suicidi-"


"I mean confessin-"

Another glare.

"Gaahh when you were standing amidst the waves pretending to be the Korean version of Jack Dawson and wanting to yell, I AM THE KING OF THE WORLDDDDDD. Is that fine?" He panted.

Jungkook laughed at his outburst.

"Awesome. Now if you'll please, I'm leaving." Jungkook moved towards his car but stopped when the man blocked his way.

"What are you? A traffic police now, Mr. Advisor?" Jungkook joked.

The man rolled his eyes at him. "You can't enter the city." Jungkook stared at him. He sighed, "It's curfew time now. From 9 to 6 in the morning. You can't enter the city. You'll have to wait until morning."

"Is this Korea or a playschool? Who puts curfews over the whole damn capital?" Jungkook slapped his forehead. "Now what, I sleep on the footpath, is that it? I'm so trusfrated." He yelled, kicking the sand.

"It's frustrated !"


"Ahmm ahmm, you can stay at my flat. There's enough space for two people and I live alone for now. Sounds good?" The man offered.

Jungkook was so shocked. Who is this man? He isn't a psychopath, is he?

The man read his expressions again. He chuckled. "Don't worry, I mean no harm. I'm as straight as a ...pole? Yeah. You are safe. Now let's go, shall we?"

Okay he is a psychopath.

Jungkook sighed tiredly. He needed rest and sleeping in the car was a bad idea. So he agreed.

"I never asked your name. What is it?" Jungkook asked as they walked.

"I'm Shane Kang."

Jungkook nodded understanding. But then he frowned, it rang a bell. He has heard this name before but where? He couldn't remember.

Shane cracked his knuckles, then rubbed his palms together. It was getting more cold as the night advanced.

Jungkook couldn't help but notice his fingers. They were a bit plump and so tiny, just like Jimin's.

Park Jimin !

Jungkook remembered then. He immediately unlocked his phone and dialled Jimin's number. After 5 rings, he finally picked up.

"Laa-laa-chimolala ?" Jimin yawned on the other end.

Jungkook snorted.

"Jimin HYUNG !" Jungkook yelled.

"Ahh waee~ you ruptured my tympanum kid." Jimin whined.

Jungkook snorted again. He couldn't care less.

"Hyung shut up and listen to me, I need a favour." He said but when Jimin snored soundly on the receiver, Jungkook had enough.


And Jimin fell off his bed with a thud.


Wallah millionaire!

I'm back. Soooo, any guesses as to who Shane is ?

Hint : Read the name, it has almost similar pronounciation. And I've mentioned about it in the previous chapter (if you read it carefully lol).


And if you liked the chapter, vote, comment and share.

Until then,

Stay tuned !

Stay Gold !

Stan Bangtan !

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