Girl: I know that Eugeo! That's why I'm doing it now! Mother would be angry at me if I were to go out even with her, so I need to go outside while I can!!

Eugeo: I know mother is a bit harsh, but she wants to protect us! Haven't you heard that some children our age have gone missing?! She doesn't want to lose us as well!!

Girl: But I want to see what the world is like! I don't care if I get kidnapped!!!

As the two were arguing, their mother comes up to them.

Woman: I knew that you would try to sneak out again Emi.

The girl, now known as Emi, turns around and sees her mother.

Emi: Because I want to see the world! I don't want to live a life just all in the village!

Woman: I know you do, but until the child kidnappers are caught, I cannot allow you out this late at night or without my supervision! Do you remember what happened to your father? I don't want you to die like that

Emi: Just let me go!!

Woman: This is final young lady! You are going back inside and that is-

Eugeo: Mother?

Woman: What is it Eugeo?

Eugeo: What's that?

Woman: Huh?

Emi and her mother look up and see a "comet" fly through the sky

Woman: *to Eugeo* That's just a comet sweetie, nothing to be worried about

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Woman: *to Eugeo* That's just a comet sweetie, nothing to be worried about.

Eugeo: But why is it glowing brighter the closer it gets to the ground?

Woman: What?

After Eugeo says that, a giant crash is heard, and even the ground beneath them rumbles. The three then run up to the crash site and see a huge crater. They then see a young "girl" with white armor and two swords on her back, with her head lodged right into the ground.

Woman: Emi, get home right now and get a nurse! Eugeo, help me carry the girl into out house

Emi and Eugeo: Yes mother!


After a few hours, they get the "girl" to their house, and the nurse checks over the young girl.

Woman: So, how is she?

Nurse: She's rather well. There seem to be no cuts or bruises on her body whatsoever, but it should be noted that it seems that she was possibly hit by a powerful fire spell, and an unknown one at that. There was one strange thing about the young lady though. When removing some of her armor, I saw something fall out near her chest area.

Woman: Can I see it?

Nurse: Of course ma'am.

The nurse then pulls out what she saw fell and hands it to the mother.

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