𝟰𝟱. broken shower

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ooo.┊ # BROKEN SHOWER ✧˖*°࿐
-ˋ ✨ 𝒐𝒓𝒑𝒉𝒊𝒄 — 𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝖿𝗈𝗎𝗋𝗍𝗒-𝖿𝗂𝗏𝖾

        "YOU LOST." "That's not fair! He has an advantage!" "Isn't that what you're always talking about?" "Ugh." Anastasia was laying on a training mat after having Alastair kick her ass for the fifth time.

        The Beauregard's had been living in America again for almost over a year now. This time decided to move to New York rather than another small town. You might also be wondering why Alastair is beating up Anastasia.

        A couple of month after moving to New York, Anastasia had managed to reveal her powers. Technically no one saw her. Nobody except for two people. Abraham Erskine and Howard Stark.

        The two managed to track her down on the next block and confronted her about what they saw. She said they must've been imagining things, but they were persistent. Finally, she admitted they were right and instead of taking her to jail. The two men told her about the SSR.

'Strategic Scientific Reserve.'

        They told her all about how it was formed to go against HYDRA, an organization in the Nazi army. They said it was all about people and things like her. Not weird. But extraordinary.

        She learned Erskine was planning on creating Super Soldiers to put in the battlefield against the apposing army. And apparently this was all agreed on by the President, so she didn't have much worries.

        She learned Howard was one of the smartest men quite possibly in the world. He always come up with new contraptions that no one's ever even thought of making. But that's how the Starks are. Making things no one's thought of possible.

        They had asked her if she wanted to help and join as a 'protege'. Which meant that she would learn under Howards teaching, and help Erskine with his scientific prowess.

        She was hesitant on joining because she didn't want to be treated as an object to poked and prodded at, but Erskine assured her it would only be the smallest amount of blood and by doing so she could learn all about her abilities and how to control them.

        She agreed, but then remembered she had a brother. 'Oh yeah. My brother is like me too. Except he has different things.' The two men gave her a blank look before telling her to get her family together and they could work something out for all of them.

        Sure enough, her parents ended up working under the SSR and she and Alastair were 'protégés'. Her father would help Howard, Erskine, or just some other 'agent' if they needed the help with the numbers or making things. Her mother found a friend in Margaret 'Peggy' Carter.

        Anastasia absolutely loved the woman. She was very independent and didn't take any back talk from men. She expertly ran and supervised everything while looking flawless.

        That leads us to where the siblings are now. Peggy was watching the two train without their powers. Anastasia was getting tired but Peggy wouldn't have it. Saying 'The enemy won't care if you're tired! You're moving slower than my dead grandmother.'

        "Alright." Peggy chuckled. "You can go freshen up now." As she walked away, Anastasia stuck out her tongue to Alastair before grabbing her bag and a jacket.

        Once the two got changed, they made their way out of headquarters and towards the apartment Alastair had gotten for him and Anastasia. Luckily, it was only a couple stores away. They finally made it home and Alastair went to go take a nap while Anastasia went to use her shower.

        She turned on the water and waited for it. She looked in the mirror and saw her small eye bags from staying up so late. Damn you, Howard.

        As she moved her hand up, a clinking noise was heard. It was a small charm bracelet Edmund gave to her before she left. She had a bracelet and he had a necklace. The girl thought it was adorable and never took it off.

        She took a step back and heard sloshing. She looked down and saw the water was filling up the bathroom. "What! Oh no!" She tried to turn it off but the knob just fell.

        "Alastair!" She pounded on the door but the boy didn't hear anything. Water started pouring out of the faucet and she was quickly waist high in the water.

        "Ugh!" She tried as hard as she could, but the door wouldn't open. Just before the entire room was full she took a deep breath and went under.

        Her eyes opened and she wasn't in her bathroom anymore. Once at the top she popped her out and looked around. "Where am I?" A noise was heard behind her and she turned seeing a ship.

        "Oh no!" She tried to swim as fast as she could once she heard someone jump in after her. "It's alright! You're okay!" A voice called. It sounded familiar so she turned to it.

        "Caspian!" "Anastasia!" The King grabbed her hand and helped her swim back to the ship. "Hold on tight." He put his hand around her waist as they were brought up on a platform.

        Once they were at the top she was helped on and offered a towel. "Thank you." She tried to dry her hair before Caspian tackled her in a hug. "What are you doing here?" "You didn't call me? Where's everyone else?" "No. Not this time. And you're the only one here."

        Anastasia scrunched her eyebrows. "Hm. Maybe they'll be here soon enough. But where are we?" "The Dawn Treader. One of the Narnian ships." The girl nodded before Caspian led her to a staircase and had her stand on it.

        "Men!" Everyone turned and looked. "Welcome our stowaway. High Queen Anastasia, the Phoenix." The crew bowed before her and she smiled.

        "Treat her with respect and as if she's the leader of this ship along with myself." They nodded before standing and clapping for her. Anastasia just grinned at Caspian before bringing him into another hug.

ˏˋ🏹°⁺ ⁀➷ GABS SPEAKS!
yes i did that, and you would do it too for a check😌

ORPHIC   ❪ e. pevensie ❫Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt