Part Ten-Internships

Start from the beginning

"While I train with Shoto so that he can use his fire better you are to work with my support department and come up with designs for a suit that I will use when I become the number one hero" he tells me

"I don't know what I expected" I think," I'll do it but whenever you both go out on patrols you have to take me with you or else I'm leaving" I say

"Fine, I guess we have a deal" Endeavor says

"Sucker" I think to myself

"Go on now, one of my sidekick's will escort you to my support department" he says

I leave the room and follow a sidekick to the support department. When we arrive I walk through that door and I can't help but feel a bit disappointed. It just looks like a worse version of my lab

"I see you must be the second intern" I hear a voice say

I turn around to see a guy in a lab coat.

"That's me, and who might you be?" I ask

"Oh where are my manners, my name is Yuuta and I'm the head engineer of this place" he says

"So I'm told that we will be working on a suit for Endeavor" I say

"Yeah, basically he asked us to make a better suit for him for when he becomes the number one hero" Yuuta says

"Well I'm not one to waste time so I think we should get started" I say as I bring out a pen

"Yes I agree, currently the rest of the support department is out so it'll just be me and you for the time being" he says

"That's fine, I normally work alone anyways" I reply

We get started on a design. I have Yuuta do most of the work while I sometimes suggest ideas that even a toddler could think of, like hell would I just give my precious ideas to Endeavor. Eventually a sidekick comes and tells me that it's time to patrol. I grab my suit and make my way to the entrance where I see Todoroki and Endeavor waiting.

"Today we will be patrolling around Hosu for signs of the hero killer" Endeavor says

We walk around Hosu when suddenly explosions go off. I look around and see some Nomus. I then get a notification on my phone from Midoriya that reveal his location. It's probably not an accident that he sent that.

"Todoroki you go off and find Midoriya, I'll help Endeavor with the Nomus" I tell him

"Right" he says while running off

"Endeavor sir do I have permission so go after the flying Nomu?" I ask

"Permission granted just make sure you can actually handle them" he says

I fly into the sky and spot one. This time is while and looks smaller than the one at the USJ.

"Arvin give me a quick scan on this thing" I say

"Right away looks like this one in significantly weaker than the one at the USJ but it can still seriously injure you if you aren't carful" Arvin says

"Trust me I'll be carful" I say as I fly towards it

When I get close enough I fire a laser at the Nomu. It hits and the Nomu notices me and comes soaring towards me.

"I think it's time I get some revenge for the USJ incident" I say as I fire a missile at it

It dodges and almost hits me if I didn't move out of the way.

"Arvin analyze this things fighting pattern" I say as I continue to dodge

"Right away sir" he responds

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