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So the announcement I made today inspired me. Here's a short story!


"Hey Klaus?"

"Yeah, Vi?"

"We have a problem. I just got a call from Sunny's teacher, she wants to talk to us."

Klaus' eyes widened, "Shit, is she hurt?"

"No, but apparently she's in trouble. I'll drive us over to the school. And we'll pick up Bea while we're there."

The two of them left a note for their other family members about where they'd be and left the estate in Violet's car.

"Sunny's never been in trouble before, I hope there's a reasonable explanation," Klaus said.

"We can hope..." Violet replied.

Upon reaching Sunny and Bea's school, the two of them made their way to Sunny's classroom. They found Bea sitting outside the door waiting. Bea was a year younger than Sunny, and they usually got picked up together.

"Aunt Sunny got in trouble," Bea explained as they approached.

"We know," Violet said, "Just stay there while we get this sorted out."

"Yes mommy," Bea said, before pulling a small book out of her backpack and reading it.

Klaus knocked on the classroom door, and the teacher let them in to find Sunny sitting in front of her desk looking unhappy.

"Hello, I appreciate you coming down here, I only wish it was for better news." The woman said, "I'm Miss Vargo, and you're Sunny's guardians?"

"We're her siblings," Violet corrected. "I'm Violet Quagmire and this is our brother Klaus Baudelaire."

Miss Vargo blinked, "Quagmire?"

"I'm married," Violet said, answering her unasked question.

"Oh, right, I wasn't thinking for a moment. Well have a seat and we'll talk."

They took two chairs on either side of Sunny in front of the teacher's desk. Sunny refused to make eye contact with her siblings.

"Well, I suppose I should start by saying that Sunny doesn't usually act out in class. Most of the time she's a good student. But today there was an incident."

"What kind of incident," Klaus asked, looking down at Sunny.

Miss Vargo sighed. "Well at recess today Sunny attacked another student-"


Sunny stayed quiet and Miss Vargo continued. "She bit him on his hand."

Violet looked at Sunny, "Is this true?"

Sunny nodded.

"Did you apologize?"

"No." Sunny replied quietly.

"I tried asking her to, but she wouldn't do it," Miss Vargo added.

"Ok, what happened leading up to it," Violet asked.

Sunny looked up at Violet, "He came over to us and was being rude. So I bit him to teach him a lesson."

Miss Vargo frowned. "What kind of rude things did he say?"

"He made fun of me and Bea for not having parents."

There was a long pause after that. Violet and Klaus looked at each other knowingly: Sunny wasn't in the wrong here.

"I told him to stop, but he didn't, so I had to act." Sunny finished stiffly.

Miss Vargo gave her a stern look. "Has this happened before? Because if it had then you should have come to me-"

"She wouldn't have thought to do that," Violet interrupted.

"Why not?"

"Our family learned the hard way that authority figures are not always trustworthy with situations like this," Klaus answered, "And Sunny remembers that particular time in our lives. She's very self-reliant. She would have rather handled the situation herself, than tell an adult who wouldn't do anything."

"Also, I happen to be Beatrice's adoptive mother," Violet said, now very offended, "Saying that she has no parents is a downright lie. If you ask me, you shouldn't have punished Sunny for getting upset, instead you should have called that boy's parents and told them to teach their son some damned manners."

Miss Vargo looked shocked. "Mrs. Quagmire, you can't seriously be taking her side on this? You don't think that her attacking the boy was over the line?"

"Perhaps it was a little overkill," Klaus said, "But he was acting out and bullying them. I agree with my sister, had he been nicer this whole situation wouldn't have happened. So, give that boy's parents a call, tell them the truth about what their kid did today, and Sunny will be better behaved next time. Is that a fair deal?"

Miss Vargo stared at the two young adults in shock and, realizing she was outvoted on this matter, nodded in resignation. "I'll... talk to them about his bullying then... but still, we will not accept more behavior like this from Sunny in the future..."

"And it won't happen again, we know it." Violet said, standing up from her chair, "After all, I doubt he's going to want to talk to them now anyway." Klaus got up too, while Sunny stood and grabbed his hand. "I believe this has been settled?"

"Er, yes-"

"Ok, thank you," Violet said as the three of them left the room. Bea joined them as they started to leave the building.

"So... am I like grounded or something," Sunny asked.

"No," Violet answered, "And please don't take it that far again. We're on your side, but getting yourself in trouble isn't worth it."

"Even if the little brat deserved it," Klaus added.

Sunny couldn't help smiling at that.

~The End!

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