Cute Kladora Scene ❤

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Short scene for you! 🙂


It was late after another of Nero's painful recitals. Duncan and Isadora were in their broom closet while the Baudelaires were out in the shack... or at least 2 of them were. The middle Baudelaire child was out of bed, and walking tentatively to the broom closet where his only friends, outside his family, were forced to live.

Klaus was thankful to have chosen this hour for his task, as he was quite nervous and preferred to not have to worry about getting stopped on his way there. He wouldn't be able to handle the embarrassment having to explain what he was doing.

Well... it was still going to be embarrassing either way but the point was it would be more embarrassing if it was directed at the wrong person!

Upon reaching his destination, he mentally prepared himself.

"Ok... you can do this... now we just hope that Izzie answers the door... I mean it's a 50-50 chance. But if it is Duncan just try to stay calm and ask to see Izzie."

After throwing back a shot of courage, Klaus softly knocked on the closet door.

Several seconds passed before it slowly creaked open and he saw Isadora Quagmire greet him with a small smile. (He inwardly sighed with relief that she had answered the door instead of her older triplet brother.) She quickly stepped out into the hall with him and quietly shut the door behind her; likely so as not to disturb Duncan.

"Hi Klaus," She said.

"Hi Izzie... I hope I didn't wake you..."

Isadora shrugged, "I was having trouble getting to sleep. Why are you up?"

Klaus was suddenly thankful for the darkness of the hallway, the only light nearby was the moonlight streaming through a cracked window, as he felt his face get uncomfortably warm.

"I um... I wanted to... I kinda... um..."

He inwardly cursed himself for his lack preparation for this. But all the planning in the world couldn't help him talk to his beautiful poetess friend. Nonetheless, Isadora could see that he was having trouble and patiently waited for him to get to the point.

Klaus sighed, "I wanted to give you something."

Isadora gave him a curious look. "And it couldn't wait until morning?"

"I wanted it to be when we were... alone..."

Her brown eyes widened. "Oh... well what is it?"

Klaus reached into his pocket and presented her with a folded piece of paper.

"I um... I noticed that you were having a bit of a bad day in class and I thought it would cheer you up if I wrote you a poem... I would have given it to you in class, but you know Mrs. Bass has really been cracking down on note passing lately. And uh, for both our sakes I don't think either of us could handle the embarrassment if she forced us to read this out loud..."

Isadora took the paper and perked up at him with a real smile this time. "You wrote me a poem?"

He avoided eye contact with her and nodded shyly.

"Nobody's ever written one for me before..." Isadora said, as she eagerly opened the paper.

Klaus felt his heart beating out of his chest as she read the couplet to herself.

"Love looks not with the eyes, nor the mind, but with the heart; and meeting you certainly gave mine a start..."

Klaus was quite certain that his whole face had turned red at this point. It hadn't sounded that corny in his head, but hearing her read it made him regret every stroke of his pen making the damn thing.

Isadora, however, thought very differently. She felt warm all over. Her own face went completely red. It might have been corny to some, but she adored it.

"If you uh, don't like it I totally understand. I mean, if you don't want to um... accept it, I guess is the right word-"

"Klaus, I love it!" Isadora interrupted him in a quiet, but excited tone.

"You... do?"

She nodded. "It's the sweetest couplet I've ever read. And I'm happy that it came from you..."

Without warning, Isadora stood on her toes and gave him a kiss on the cheek. If it was even possible, his face got hotter. He smiled dazedly, and had to will himself to stay standing.

"Thank you, Klaus," She said.

"You're welcome, Izzie," He replied, distractedly; thinking about how her lips felt on his cheek.

Isadora carefully folded the poem back up as she asked. "So... tomorrow night I heard that Nero is letting Carmelita do a dance at the recital. Would you like to sneak out for a walk? It'd be the only other way to get some time for just the two of us..."

Klaus snapped out of his trance and smiled at her, "I'd love to... I um should let you get some sleep now..."

Isadora giggled. "That is kinda important for you too."

"Yeah... good night Izzie."

"Good night Klaus... I'll be looking forward to that walk so don't forget." She replied, giving him a flirty smile.

As she went back inside the broom closet, Klaus turned to head back to the orphan shack.

"Me? Forget this conversation? Not for as long as I live..." He thought as he gently touched the spot where she had kissed him.

~The End!

Hope you liked it! 😁

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