unfortunately, me

68 10 2

I'm here
I exist
I was created without my consent
raised in a way I didn't know to resent

I'm here
I exist
I don't have the guts to reverse my birth
instead I say I will in a tone of mirth

I'm here
I exist
I realize I could have done nothing to change my life story
but that doesn't stop the hours I lay awake and worry

I'm here
I exist
stuck in a world I don't understand
reaching out only to hold my own hand

I'm here
I exist
laughing when I'm with friends I've made into family
wondering if these out of everyone else will truly understand me

I'm here
I exist
thinking about how awful I am why do I exist in this godforsaken place
what on earth caused me to be part of the human race

I'm here
I exist
I'm real, and I wish that I wasn't myself
I'm Jason, but nobody knows who that is
nobody understands what they see
and I simply continue to be who I am
which is, unfortunately, me

Written by Jason on August 31, 2020 at 12:02 am

unfortunately, meWhere stories live. Discover now