I Long To Be With You Again

Start from the beginning

They would refuel, take to the wash racks and then get comfortable within each other's arms and rest. In the morning, it was Ratchet's turn to fight Drift and try to keep him in berth to rest longer. He had more than enough time to do things the rest of the cycle. Right now, there was no better place for him than in the berth with his conjunx. Ratchet always managed to win and drag him back down. Drift usually couldn't go back to sleep, however that didn't stop him from cuddling up to Ratchet as much as possible, letting his digits wander on the mechs frame, tracing transformation seams and dipping beneath them to rub at the soft protoform beneath. A happy rumble emanating from the medic as Drift kissed and rubbed wherever he could reach with his touch.


How long had it been since he had last touched Ratchet? Since he had last heard his voice? Since he had last held servos with him?

Drifts optics shuddered again, trying to make sense of what was going on as his spark ached, clenching tightly in its chamber. He couldn't hear the voices around him well enough to figure out who they belonged to. However, he could tell that not a single one of them was who his spark yearned for.

'Where...where's my Ratchet?' Had something happened to him? No...that was impossible.

He felt a sharp pain as he gasped, ventless and unable to move.

There was another flash and he found himself standing. He couldn't move before though, right? Had he been standing the whole time though? Bright lights all but blinded him as he saw the silhouette of a figure before him. It looked familiar but how so? There was that ache again as his spark pulled towards the figure shrouded in darkness, even amongst all this light.

Pain again, a jolt of electricity washing over him as he tried to maintain focus. However he found his focus fading quicker than he'd like. The figures arm moved, their servo outstretched towards him. His spark spun and a familiarity rushed over him. A warmth, a happiness he remembered from the past that he yearned for once again.

His optics shuddered lazily as he tried to look around the room, but found it difficult. There were lights, so bright. Machines flashing all sorts of colors. The scrambling of pedes on the floor, the yelling of so many different mechs.

"Don't worry Drift, everything's going to be okay."

That sounded like..First Aid maybe? How long had it been since he'd seen him last? That's when it all came rushing back to him.

He was in the medbay, injured due to his last job and oh so very tired.

Drift shook his helm the best he could. His servo shaky as it reached out, First Aid taking hold of it. "I miss him, First Aid. I...I want to be with him again." It was hard to get out, his chest felt heavy but the silence amongst a room that had just been so loud made things clear.

A gentle, constant squeeze on his own servo was all he needed to know what was coming.

There was a soft 'I know,' as he felt something poke him and then nothing. He couldn't hear the sounds of the machines or the other mechs any longer. All he could feel was the servo still holding tightly onto his as he slowly faded into the darkness.

His optics opened suddenly. It was quiet and yet it was so damned bright. He had to put his servo in front of his optics to try to make it easier to see. Wasn't someone holding his servo before?

Drift heard the soft steps of someone closing in on him. He squinted his optics as he saw that same silhouetted figure from before. Once they were only but a foot away, their servo was outstretched before Drift again. He rubbed his optics before finally letting the light fill everything in around him. His spark pulled more as the figure became more clear.

Standing there before him was his Ratchet, just as he remembered him. Tired and gruff but full of love. Drift couldn't help the smile that immediately found its perch on his face-plates. His servo reaching out to the one offered to him, digits ghosting over those that seemed foreign, yet so familiar. He was afraid that one wrong move and all of this would disappear. That he would be left alone again.

"Lets go, Drift." His servo quickly took hold of Ratchets, any lingering hesitation immediately dissipating. Their digits intertwined, pulling one another close, desperately clasping onto one another, both afraid that if they let go, they would lose each other again.

No, this was the start of their forever.


*Authors Notes*

This fan-fiction actually came to be due to a conversation with a friend on Discord!

I have been having some major Dratchet feelings as of late. I simply dont know that I can express just how much I love these two, whether as a pairing or just them by themselves.

I dont believe I've ever wrote a fan-fiction along the lines of this, I usually add some angst in to most of my works but this takes it on a whole new level.

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