🔥 i think.. you know ❄️

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(y/n) pov^

We walked back to the dorms, but I couldn't keep my thoughts straight "what am I supposed to tell Ochko, and am I supposed to tell ida and Deku since we're friends too?" I felt a hand get placed on my head "hey you don't have to tell anyone" I looked up feeling like I was part of some drama or anime. We both walked in and like lightning I just bolted to my room and lay in my bed while pinching my fingers wishing what had just happened was not a dream- as I got but I hear a light knock knowing it was Ochako and Momo.

"Wow (y/n) did you bring the carriage?"

I couldn't hold in my laugh that I just started to cackle so much that I fell off my bed.

"So you guys know huh," I say as I message my head "yeah not going to lie I thought he would confence a lot later" Ochoko placed a finger on her lips, and I just sat their not wanting to repeat the embarrassing things the came out of my mouth earlier. We talked for a long time until we realized tomorrow we have an earlier class "see ya tomorrow" and as Momo opened the door "Oh hey Todoroki umm we'll get going now *whispers come on Ururaka!" they both run out laughing. I had offered his tea but he just closed the door and sat on the small couch that was in the corner of my room "Todoroki what are you doing?" I asked crouched down near the couch "sleeping" I fell on the butt and looked at with a questioning him "whaaat! shouldn't you sleep in your?! plus your not allowed to" I sat on my bed trying to make excuses for him to leave. " but I want to sleep here" my face felt hot I've never seen Todoroki like this "I mean who's gonna stop me" and before I knew it I was flat on my bed with the sight of Todoroki above me. "I mean n-no one is going to stop you but um well" I couldn't continue like this so I took out extra blankets and extra pillows, while also make the couch into a bed "there that's comfier but please sneak out first thing in the morning if not they'll think weird things especially Mineta!"

- The next day-

I slowly got up and saw a sleeping Todoroki "he's so cute haha" I thought while I grabbed my things and went ahead and went to the girl's showers and took a nice warm shower and changed into uniform. "ahh that was nice" as I walked in Shoto was still here!! I felt my anxiety go through the roof that I dropped everything and ran to Shoto trying to shake him awake.

"get up come one!!"

"what? good morning"

"come one before anyone sees us-"

I didn't get to finish my sentence when I shoved Todoroki out of my room. "well well" I felt my cheeks go hot "looks like (y/n)'s hair is wet and her body is glistening "I felt like I was being violated "M-Mineta s-stop that" I stutter "hmm looks like someone was having fun last night?!" I felt so embarrassed no! awkard.

"stop looking at her as an object Mineta especially if she isn't yours. Now keep your eyes and thoughts to yourself or you'll get burned". I felt my face burn and I felt weird.

"This is my life now"

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