Nonhyeon-dong, Seoul, South Korea.

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Tap. Tap. Tap.

A man was walking down the water-soaked street with his hands shoved inside his pockets. He was wearing a dark coloured shirt, now soaked with water, and dark dress pants with a white mask covering the bottom half of his face. He kept his head down, the black cap on his head obscuring his face from prying eyes.

I can't believe I forgot my sunglasses again.

He was walking back to his hotel when the drizzling rain increased its pace from light drops to a shower of endless drops. People passed by him under the shadow of an umbrella, protecting themselves from the onslaught of water. On one hand, he was grateful for the sudden change in the weather, because it diverted people's attention from him; but on the other hand, his clothes got thoroughly soaked. He regretted not going out without the safety of a car.

Nevertheless, he trudged onwards, albeit grumbling a little. Step, after step, after step. As he increased his pace, so did the rain. Groaning, he looked around for cover. An empty spot underneath the overhang of a shop caught his eye. He hurriedly made his way underneath and took off his cap. Ruffling his hair, he tried to shake off any excess water. A few curious glances were thrown his way, so he quickly put his hat back on.

Sneaking a glance at the sky, he could see that the rain had no intention of slowing down. Clicking his tongue, he pulled out his phone and opened the lock screen. The dim blue glow of the screen lit up in his face, a clear indicator that while the rain was increasing, the light was decreasing as well. He checked the time. It was nearly six o'clock.

Not taking any chances, he pulled up his contact list and looked through the names for someone nearby who could give him a ride. Spotting a name, he clicked the call button and brought the phone near his ear. He's almost sure of the fact that he'll pick up the phone on the second ring.

And lo and behold, his prediction came true.

"Hey, can you give me a ride back?"

He's met with grumbling statements and promises of a long lecture when he returned, but the person agreed nonetheless. Quickly giving him the address, he was told to wait for around ten minutes.

He hung up and stuffed his phone back in his pocket. Leaning back against the wall, he sighed. Two minutes in, and he was bored out of his mind.

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