Passing the time.

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Double: golden prism extreme!

Double flips around placing his feet first. Then a rainbow color tornado appears around him, as he accelerates towards the piece of the moon that is falling.

 Then a rainbow color tornado appears around him, as he accelerates towards the piece of the moon that is falling

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(Inside xtreme memory)

Kanade: what happened?

Y/n: it looks like we're back again inside the xtreme memory.

Then shotaro and Philip appeared before them.

Shotaro: so you are back here.

Y/n: what happened?

Kanade: why are we here, again?

Philip: when you intercepted the moon your bodies got badly hurt. So in order to help your bodies regenerate, it absorbed you two In itself.

Y/n: so we are stuck in this white space.

Philip: I prepared a place for you.

A door appeared behind Philip and shotaro.

Shotaro: here you go, you two.

Shotaro opened the door for Y/n and kanade to let them through.

Y/n: isn't this my apartment?

Shotaro: we thought you would like it.

Kanade: it feels just like the real thing.

Philip: I hope you enjoy your stay. We won't know how long it will be.

Y/n/kanade: thanks.

Shotaro shut the door and it disappeared from the wall.

Y/n: well I guess we're stuck here for now.

Kanade: just like the first time, don't you think?

Y/n: yeah.

Y/n walked to the kitchen to look in the cabinets.

Y/n: looks like we don't have to starve, the cabinets are stocked up.

Kanade: I wonder what's on the television?

Kanade switched the tv on and a menu appeared.

Kanade: looks like we have on demand. Apparently all the episodes of the kamen rider series are here and also called super sentai?

Y/n walked over to kanade and looked at the screen.

Y/n: that doesn't surprise one bit, being we are one ourselves.

Kanade: I guess you're right. This is a change for me to see where you are always talking about. I'm curious about that golden armor you mentioned one time.

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