Mia looks to Bells again and smiles.
"That's true. She is a treasure. Once we get you two married, Oscar, I want grandbabies."

I choke on my sip of tea. My eyes water and I can't seem to get the liquid out of the wrong tube. Seth pats my back, well smacks my back really.

"Easy there studmuffin," Seth grins at me. "Your mama wants grandbabies, you can't die on her just yet."

"Umm... that will be a while," I choke out.

Mia tasks. "I mean it. I want-"

"Careful, Mia," Lex warns. "You're gonna kill him before we can get him married off."

"Well, I think I'm the only woman with a son your age at my age! I mean, I would get to be a young hot grandmother! How many women get to do that and it happen the right way. You grown, out of high school, and you'll be married."

"Hey!" Mawmaw says loud enough to call everyone's attention. "I'm a hot grandmother!"

To which, Mia sends a wink. "We know you are, Mawmaw. But you know what I mean."

Mawmaw nods. "As long as we understand each other." And she let's us get back to our conversation. Satisfied that she is indeed a smoking hot grandmother.

"As I was saying," Mia continues. "I do hope you two don't make me wait forever to be a grandmother, though."

A hand, not Seth's, rests on my shoulder. Bells ring shines back at me. She stands behind me, as she and Maggie have come in to join the conversation. A conservation about my and Bells future children.

"I'd really like to get through school first," Bells chims in from behind me.

"And I'd like to have her not being pressured into it at all," I grumble.

Mia rolls her at me. "All mothers tease, Oscar. Get over it."

"And I'd really rather us be settled in New York before we start thinking about babies," Bells says.

Mia, Lex, Jessy, Chris, and Mawmaw all turn towards us. And I realize that I had not even mentioned that she had not only agreed to marry me but also move with me and my family to the big apple.

"Oh, and by the way, she says she'll come with us to-"

A sort of eruption happens. Mia, Jessy and Mawmaw begin squealing with excitement as they realize that I will not be separated from them. And Lex and Chris can't even help themselves from joining in on more congratulating us.

"This is such good news!" Mia practically screams. "My goodness, I can't believe how relieved I am. I was literally feeling sick, I tell you. Thank God!"

I chuckle. That was Mia for you. She likes all her eggs in one basket. Or at least, all her family in one city. And this time, it will be the big city. I can't decide if we're all ready for that big city or if the big city is ready for this side of the D'Amore family.

"Now, tell me, Arabella, how do you like your new apartment?" Jessy asks.

I stand from my seat to let Bells take it. Seth joins me in letting the girls take over the conversation, leaving them to get some fresh air. We hang on the front porch. Relaxing in the white rocking chairs.

"So? Maggie was all in?" I ask.

Seth leans back. "Are you kidding? I thought she was going to faint. Honestly, I don't think I've ever seen her so happy. She was all about staying up til the early morning, planning out our life in New York."

"I couldn't get Bells to stop talking either. And then she just had to call Maggie..."

"And we both ended up listening to them talk for two hours," Seth finishes what I was about to say. "And seriously, if I hear anymore about your engagement, I'm probably gonna cry myself."

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