Chapter 95

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》->》->》-> everyone makes mistakes, right? 》->》->》->
"Well, I still can't believe you didn't say anything, at all?"

It's the third time Mawmaw has said those words.

"You know that we would have helped you set up everything?" Mia sighs. "I've had it planned out in my head for the last year."

"You didn't even ask our opinions either," Mawmaw digs it in.

"Well, I think it's a beautiful ring," Jessy comes to my rescue. "And besides, we'll be able to give advice and opinions plenty on planning the wedding."

"And that's another thing," Mawmaw turns back from her usual spot in front of the stove. "You two have agreed to wait a whole year before actually getting married. Why?"

"Mawmaw, give him a break," Jessy rolls her eyes. "A year means they'll have time to plan. And Oscar will have time to open his club. I think it's smart."

"But we can start looking at some things right? Like pick a place to have the wedding. Maybe choosing the color scheme?"

I shrug. "Whatever Bells wants. I'm sure she'll be happy to at least look into some of it."

All four of us turn to glance at Bells. She's smiling. Chatting with Maggie. Every so often, looking down at the finger on her tiny finger.

"She looks so happy," Jessy admires the situation. "Looks to me like you did just fine without our help."

Mia grins. "Even I have to agree."

"Just means we raised him good," Mawmaw relaxes enough to tease me.

Then, for another time, Mia tears up.
"I can't believe you're getting married! It was just yesterday that you were going into high school, now you're a business owner, and engaged. What is happening? Before long, Lee will be in your shoes!"

The two month old baby bounces in his moms lap.

I chuckle. "You got some time to wait, little man," I tease my baby brother. "Hopefully, I broke them in good for ya."

"You broke who," Sarahbeth asks. "Mommy and Daddy?"

I lift the first girl to have my heart up into the air.

"Yep. Mommy and Daddy will exhausted by the time you get married."

"She's not getting married, until she's forty five. And she's not dating until she's thirty."

We all turn to see Lex walk into the room.

"And your youngest son?" Mia asks with a smile.

Lex takes a beer from the refrigerator. Then looks to his wife and baby.

"Lee? He'll most likely have his first girlfriend on his first day of school."

"Why is it that, it's alright for boys to have girlfriends and girls can never have boyfriends. Even as children, we're held back," Jessy observes.

"That's because it's up to us 'Daddy's' to protect you all, from the time you're born to the day we die," Lex explains.

"Or until you women drives us crazy and they send us off," Chris walks in with his son, Axon on his shoulders.

Chris lifts his son up and then hands him down to his mama. Jessy takes their boy and kisses his cheeks.

"You are lucky, Mia," Jessy says. "At least, you get Arabella for a daughter-in-law. And you love her. The day Axon brings home a girl, I know that I'll never think she's good enough."

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