Taking in my surroundings, I was somehow unfamiliar with it. It's only been three weeks, thing is, it felt like months.

I was slowly starting to remember small fragments of the life I lived before I was captured, before everything just.. Unraveled.

My eyes land on my mirror where a ton of pictures were tucked into the sides of it.

I walked over to it, looking at the pictures of Louis and I, my friends.

Now I realized, all they ever did was consume my mind. Made me think in ways I didn't want to.

They made me turn against an innocent person, Harry. Now look what it's gotten him into..

Was this my fault?

As the thoughts ran through my mind I had slowly removed the pictures, throwing them one by one into the trash can beside the chest of drawers.

Maybe I could easily just go back to my old life, forget about everything. Forget what Harry had confessed to feel about me for nearly three years.. But that's the thing, I didn't want to.

I wanted to prove him wrong, prove to him that I did care.


That night was silent, as I stared out my window. I looked over at the rooftop a slight distance away from my house. Was that where Harry was? Where he took all those pictures?

Thinking about it way too much, my thoughts seized once the door opened.

Turning around, it was just my mom.

"Hey." I spoke quietly.

"You're sure you're okay?" She asks. "You know I'm not going to ask you more about it if you feel shocked, or if you just don't want to talk about it, then I respect that." She nods slowly.

"I just want you to understand that I'm fine." I emphasized. "And he isn't supposed to be in prison."

"He's not, honey." She tells me, sighing.

"What? Then where did they take him?" I asked way too quickly. What did she mean?


- Harry -

"Fucking let go of me!" I shouted, trying to get out of the strong grasp of these guys.

"Stop fighting, you just got here."

"I don't care, I can go anywhere else but here. Just take me to prison, I don't care. Anywhere but here." I was already pleading, but where was that going to really get me? Nowhere, I'd still be in the same cell. White walls surrounding me, the windows barred closed.. Doctors in those stupid white coats, and nurses in the same outfits.

"Shut up." He simply told me as he pushed me into one of those rooms. I hear the door lock shut twice, as I cursed.

"Fuck. No no no.." I closed my eyes, running my fingers through my hair frustratedly. "Fuck!" I shouted, kicking at the wall. "Let me out!"

They knew all about me, the cops. They knew my sickness, they just knew everything. They didn't even have to take me in for interrogation. All they did, was look through my records and now here I am.

Aside from that, I was thinking about April. Where was she? Did she tell the cops anything? Or was she just safe at home right now?

But that's what I wanted for her.. Safe and as far away from me as possible.


- April -


"Your kidnapper.. He's had a mild case of schizophrenia in his past. Through the time, it's developed to be the worse case."

I remained silent. Now I knew why he has so many unexplainable moods.. This was why he slowly lost himself. It was like his demons had this hold over him, when all he ever wanted was to be in control of those demons.

Although the darkness took over.

"I.." I was speechless. Clearly, I couldn't form a coherent sentence.

Mom nods slowly. "It's a good thing you stay away from him, okay? He's killed two people on his record so far."

Now, three in counting.

"But that's the thing mom, what if he isn't aware of what he's doing? What if he doesn't know he's killing these people?"

"With schizophrenia, I don't know honey.. The emotions magnify, meaning that one single feeling can expand into another. The bad thing is, you can't stop it."

I slowly shake my head, tears beginning to pool in my vision. "I-I know I can help him.."

"No, no sweetheart.'' She spoke softly, sitting on my bed. "All you can do is stay here, stay with us. Tomorrow will be the day when press will come in, ask questions and--"

"What no I don't want to talk to anyone. Not if it's anyone I know." I cut her off, as she glances at me.

"Yeah, yeah that's okay."


- Harry -


I don't know how long I've been kicking at these walls, banging my head against the cold thing..

God, I can't stand being in here. It might just get me even more insane than I probably already am.

Cursing, the door opened and slammed harshly into the wall beside it as I backed away.

"You need to calm down, Harry." A nurse told me as I shake my head, continuing to back away until my back hit the wall.

"No, you don't understand! I need to fucking get out of here, my mind is going to explode if I stay in here any longer. I swear." I spoke through gritted teeth as she shushed me.

"It's going to be okay." She nods slowly, talking to me like I'm this animal.

"Don't. Stop, no." I spoke shakily as I watch her hold up a needle longer than a finger.

"This is going to put you right to sleep." She smiled, as I cursed.

"I can't. My dreams are going to come back, please don't. Fuck--"

A needle had seeped under my skin as I felt the chemical get into my system.

My eyelids fluttered, as I soon felt way too tired.

"Don't..Fall asleep." I spoke softly to myself, but my eyesight began to blur.

All I could see was a blob leaving the room, and pretty soon, nothing at all.

There it was..




Hey guys!

This was meant to be updated on Sunday but I was soo busy with school work it honestly irritates me. :(

But yeah, my life is preeetty shitty lol

Hope this chapter was alright. This was some of Harry's pov which was pretty cool I guess heh



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