I kicked him on the guts as he couldn't see me coming it caught him offgaurd. I landed another punch on his face and kicked his knees. Due to that, he fell on his knees. I grabbed his neck and began to choke him. "I'll ask only this time where is my Jungkook." He smiled at he as he coughed out blood.

"Oh.. V. It's useless now. I've injected Jungkook my latest drug. He'll die in an hour or two." "What." My hands on his neck loosen. Then I felt abserve pain on my abdomen. I looked down blood, knife. He pushed me and stood up. "Huh.. nice move." I said as I pulled out the knife. "But it'll need more than this for me to die." I hissed. "I know." Tae-min replied with a smirk.


Jungkook P.O.V

I could hear loud bangs, heavy breaths and smell of blood all around me. Where am I. I tried to open my eyes but I could only meet with darknes. I could feel ground underneath me. I moved my hands. They weren't tied anymore. Where am I. "But it'll need more than this for me to die." I heard a voice. Muffeled but still clear. I know this voice. "TAE-TAEHYUNG." I shouted with all my energy. "Taehyung .." I mumbled... "are you there." My voice turned into a whisper.

Not a second letter I could feel large hands around me. "Jungkook are you all right. Baby, does it hurts anywhere. I'm gonna kill that Tae-min." "Tae.." I whispered. "I'm here baby. I'm here. I'm sorry. I should've come sooner baby. This is all because of me." He panicked but I smiled. "It's not your fault Taehyung. It's all right." I lifted my hands to touch him. Then a rather larger hand gripped my hands. "It'll be all right baby, just a little longer. Then we'll be back home. With our hyungs. Jimin and Jin hyung must be waiting for you." I smiled again. He undid the blind fold from my eyes and I could finally open my eyes.

It took me a while to see everything clearly. But once I did, I was glad that the first thing I saw was Taehyung's face. Suddenly we heard someone clap from behind. Taehyung quickly brought me to his embrace. "Why did you two stop. Continue. I'm sure you can't do those lovely dovely after you die." I heard the voice laughing.

"The one dying is you, dipshit." I heards Taehyung hiss. "Oh, you got it wrong boy. The one dying is Jungkook not me. Don't tell me you didn't heard what I said earlier." The voice laughed again and I could feel Taehyung hugging me tighter. "I injected a drug in Jungkook. He can only live upto two more hours now."

"I don't belive you." Taehyung said as I could feel his chest vibrate. "Then don't but if you do, guess what I have its antidote. Want one." I could feel Taehyung hesitate. "Give me the antidote." Taehyung whispered as he creased my hands. "Oh come on you think that I'll give it to you that easily." "What do you want." "Kill yourself." "What." I sat up. "Don't play stupid." I growled but then again landed into Taehyung as I felt a sharp pain in my abdomen. "The drug is showing effects, so Taehyung choose fast."

"Anyways I do have an alternative way. Beg. Grab my feet and beg for mercy." The Tae-min guy proposed. "I might just grab your neck and choke you till death." "Ah ah ah don't even think about killing me. I only said I have the antidote. I didn't say I had it here with me. You kill me, say goodbye to Jungkook too." I shook my head. "Tae don't listen to him. He is playing with your head." I said grabbing his shirt collar and shaking him. "Tae-" he looked down at me with an sympathetic look. "No...". I whispered.

"I'll rather kill myself than bow my head to you." "Hmm wise decision." "Tae no..." He again looked down. "I love you Jungkook." "I love you too... but-" I cried. Tears running down my face. He pushed me aside a little a stood up. "Tae no." I wailed. He took some steps away from me and reloaded the gun. "Please no.." I tried to stand up but again that sharp pain hit me as I landed on the ground.

"Tae please no no no... don't do this." I shouted as tears were now dripping down my face. "Jungkook I'm sorry that I couldn't protect you. I'm sorry that all I ever cause you was trouble. Im sorry that you're in this situation because of me." I shook my head. "Please don't do it. Please Taehyung." I yelled as I tried to crawl towards him. "I'm sure you'll be happy without this troublemaker baby...

________THE END________
Just kidding. One chapter left.

*that's for today. Stay safe*

 Stay safe**bye👐*

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