[Finally] John B

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Being John B's neighbour and pretty much only neighbour. Made the two of us pretty close.

We've shared memories with each others. Fun ones and not so fun ones as we've gotten older. We were each others first kiss.

I helped him when his dad disappeared. And he helped me with my sister's death. So, we've been through thick and thin with each other.

And knowing someone for that long you're bount to have feelings for them. And I do, I've only realised it now, ever since him and Sarah have been hanging out.

And now John B is asking me how to ask Sarah out.

"You're a girl so you will know what she likes." I laughed at what he said and looked up at him.

"She hates me. I did kind of punch her one time and she's still holding the grudge but I was 8! And she was being a bitch. Plus we're best friends so she probably sees me as a threat."

John B gave me the "are you serious" face and I just shrugged my shoulders.

"Maybe she doesn't like you that way. Don't forget she's still with Topper so maybe they still like each other?"
I asked him.

Clearly thinking of ways for him to stop asking Sarah out, just for me to tell him how I feel.

"True. But hey it's worth the risk. Omg!" He said as if he's about to die.

"What? What's wrong?" I asked getting up from the sofa.

"What if I forgot how to kiss her. I haven't kissed anyone since we kissed when we were 13. That was 3 years ago!"

He was freaking out so I had no other option. I grabbed his face and pushed my lips onto his. We started kissing then he pinned me against the wall but we stopped when we heard a cough at the door.

John B looked at the door and it was Sarah. "Oh hey Sarah. This is -"

"I know who it is. And I knew you would steal John B from me." Sarah said storming into the bungalow.

Oh here we go I thought to myself. "You're dating topper." I said stating the obvious.

"No I'm not! I just broke up with him so we can get together." She said saying the last bit to JB.

"Well if you can't be nice to my best friend. Then we shouldn't be together." John B said proudly.

"We're not even together and you're saying that I should respect her!?"

"You just admitted you weren't together. So suck it up buttercup." I said the last sentence slowly because that's what she always says.

"Oh fuck off. You two have fun hunting the gold without my money." She stormed out and I just laughed.

"Wanna make out again?" I said randomly.

"Yeah because I would love to make out with the girl I like." He said as he pushed me down on the sofa and crawled over to  me with his hands either side of me.

Then I put my hand in his hair. "I would love to make out with the guy I like." I said and started making out with him.

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