Kylo nodded indicating that he understood. "I know you are. I thought you'd like to escape it for a night. This is a nice place, isn't it? I thought you'd like it." He looked up at you with slightly wide eyes, more innocent than you'd ever seen him look.

    You realized that was actually thoughtful of him. "It's perfect."

    He relaxed his tense shoulders when he earned your approval. "It should take your mind off of everything."

     "You mean I should eat my feelings?" You teased him since you were at a dinner specifically.

    He chuckled a little then set the menu down and stared at you for a long moment. He hadn't taken you out for dinner just to make you feel better. There was selfishness behind the actions as well. He wasn't sure if the two of you would ever be out of town alone again, he wanted to take advantage of it. Really, he just wanted to see how it would feel to be away from the mob and everything else with you. He wanted to see what it felt like to be normal.

    "I mean that you should just enjoy yourself. Don't over think it. Right now, in this restaurant with me, you're safe." Kylo told you. Although his words didn't just instantly cure you, the fact that he was even trying to make you feel better did mean a lot to you.

    "Yes, sir." You said mockingly.

    You noticed the way that he lit up.

    "Mmm... Say that again." He prompted you, leaning in towards you from across the table.

    You grinned mischievously and leaned in as well so that the two of you were closer. "Do you like that?" You asked in a low voice.

    He quickly nodded, he had the same look in his eyes as you did.

    You bit your lip, "Yes, sir." You repeated, this time slower and more seductive than you had when you were just joking before.

    Kylo exhaled and leaned back into his seat, "Yeah, I think I'm gonna make you say that later." He winked at you.

    As the waiter came back over to take your orders, you wondered if he noticed how flustered you were.

    It felt strange but about halfway through your dinner with Kylo, as the two of you were laughing at a story he had just told, he realized the both of you were having fun. Although the two of you couldn't stop yourselves from flirting from time to time, the conversations you were having and the way that you were smiling at each other was pure. There were no intentions behind anything or trying to get the upper hand over each other like there normally was.

    It made Kylo nervous. He had wanted to try out what it would feel like to be normal but he hadn't been expecting to enjoy it as much as he was...It was scary to him, the amount of power you had over him without even trying. He never let his guard down like this with anyone else. Even when he was completely wasted with his Knights, if they asked him a personal question, he never budged. He barely even laughed around them. But with you it was different and he couldn't figure out why. It pissed him off.

    The uneasiness had been on the back of his mind the entire time you'd been sitting across from him.

    You had been staring out of the big window with a wistful smile on your face before making eye contact with him again.

    "Let's just run away here." You told him. You didn't really mean it, you knew it wasn't possible, but the idea of it made you excited. "We could go into hiding and just pretend the real world doesn't exist."

    His mind wandered, entertaining the thought. He thought about what it would be like to wake up to you in his bed every morning and not have the mafia on his mind. He'd probably wake up before you did, he thought, he'd make you breakfast and bring it to you in bed...He stopped himself when he realized the grin he had on his face. That's when he knew he'd gone too far. What the hell was he doing? How was he allowing himself to feel these things for you?

Money Power Glory [Mafia Kylo Ren AU]Where stories live. Discover now