A Surprise Party (Masamune x Reader fluff)

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"Keep your eye closed, Masamune, or I'm going to hunt down another eyepatch." You were pulling Masamune down the hall, trying to keep him from ruining the surprise that you had in store for him.

"It's closed, lass", he said with a chuckle. Coming to a stop outside of the meeting hall, you opened the door and said to him,

"Ok, now open!" Masamune opened his eye to the party that you and the other warlords had put together for him. He stood there stunned as everyone shouted

"Surprise!" Masamune's eye landed on you"

"Did you put this together?" You giggled and opened your mouth to answer before Hideyoshi said what you wanted to.

"We all did. It was (Y/N)'s idea. We all just helped." You squeezed his hand.

"Happy Birthday, Masamune" He immediately pulled you into a bone-crushing hug.

"Masa- can't- breathe-" he chuckled in your ear.

"Thank you for this, lass." He then let you go and pulled you into the room. The party was a success in your eyes. Masamune was happy, and that was all that mattered.

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