Ryan had dragged me to get some Butterbeer from a table in the corner and here we met our other roommates.

"This is Pansy Parkinson and Millicent Bulstrode," introduced Ryan, "girls this is Fiadh Rose, our new roommate."

Both the girls looked me up and down without smiling and shook my hand. Pansy was short and stubby with a pig like nose and dark eyebrows. Millicent was large, gangly and smelled like troll. 

"Well, girls, we must do the rounds so tata!" Ryan chirped in a fake English accent and pulled me away, handing me a sweating Butterbeer.

"See why I'm so glad to have you? Those two are absolute trolls. Pansy can be ok when she's not around anyone else but she's nearly always with little Milly there or Draco," she rolled her eyes, waved at a group of 4th years and led me towards a group of boys.

"Oh, is Draco her boyfriend?" I asked, curious to get more information on the strange boy.

"Oh Merlin no, Malfoy doesn't date," Ryan laughed, mirthlessly, "don't blame her for trying though, he is the cutest boy in Slytherin. I'll introduce you to the boys now, come on."

Ryan was like a puppy, everywhere she went people smiled and the 6th year boys were no different. There were four of them, Draco, a tall black boy with very interesting eyes and two boys who cruelly reminded me of Tweedle Dumb and Tweedle Dee. 

"Hello boys!" 

"What's up Ryan?" asked the boy with the interesting eyes, "Who's this newcomer at our party?"

"Blaise, Draco, Crabbe, Goyle this is Fiadh Love, she's one of my kind!"

"What? A bitch?" asked Tweedle Dumb.

Ryan glared at him, "No, Crabbe, Irish."

"That's even worse," joked Tweedle Dee.

"Watch it Goyle, or I wont be helping anyone in Potions anymore.

"Won't need it this year with Snape out of the picture, I'd say Slughorn's class will be easy," said Draco cooly.

"Well then we're all fucked for DADA," Ryan frowned "And it was my best subject last year too."

"Are you taking Potions, Fiadh?" Blaise asked, turning his amber eyes to me.

"Of course, Potions, DADA and Transfiguration."

"Oh, that's the same as you, Draco, right?" Ryan asked, "you can show her around."

Draco didn't answer, he just stared at me, eyes narrowed and took a sip of his Fire Whiskey.


The party went on until the small hours of the morning and sneaking 40 drunk Slytherins back to the dorms proved trickier than we thought. The fourth years' whose first party this was had gone crazy on the Fire Whiskey. Some tried to do runners, some proved difficult to get to stop drinking and I had to hold some of their hair back once we got back to the dorm room. More than once we had nearly been caught by Filch but Draco had preformed wonderful Confundus charms on him and we were able to hustle groups of 4th and 5th years back to bed.

I had just finished helping the 4th years to bed when I reentered the common room. The ceilings were incredibly high for a dungeon and the windows revealed that we were indeed underwater. There must've been some sort of spell put on the room to stop it being damp and cold because the room was cosy and welcoming, not what I had expected. Large button-tuffted, leather sofas were huddled around the fire and in other corners sat high back carved out chairs with deep seats, looking out into the lake. The decoration was definitely more what I had expected the Slytherin common room to be like. Skulls adorned nearly every mantle and shelf as well as weird pickled items or random bird feathers. The lamps on the wall cast an eerie green light over the whole room.

As I headed to the girls hallway I realised I wasn't alone. Draco was sitting beside the fire, his head in his hands. He hadn't noticed me yet and I hadn't made my mind up whether or not I should say something when he looked up, catching me staring right at him. 

"What're you looking at, Rose?" he spat, pushing his hair off of his face.


"Just leave you insufferable french bitch"

I looked him up and down cooly, who was he to talk down to me? I wasn't going to let some little blond prick call me names just because.

"What, like your father left you? Oh, wait, I forgot. He's locked up for being a dirty, good for nothing Death Eater and I'd wager you're no better."

Draco's face flushed red as she rose from the seat in a very swift motion, his wand was drawn now and prodded my chest with it.

"You're one to talk you-" But Draco didn't get to finish his threat because at that moment a group of people came tumbling into the common room


I turned around to see a very drunk Ryan stumble into the dorm, held up by Blaise and Crabbe, Goyle shuffled in behind them, keeping watch.

"All yours" laughed Blaise as Ryan fell into my arms, drunkenly swaying and singing some song from the party.

Draco backed away before anyone could see what was going on and I let out a breath I wasn't aware I'd been holding.

Ryan stumbled into my arms, the smell of Firewhiskey seeped out of her pore. I heaved her up, pulling one arm over my shoulder and began the shaky walk back to the dorm too distracted by keeping Ryan upright that I didn't get to wonder what Draco had meant.

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