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"So for today I have an idea!"
"So I've been on twitter and have seen some of your fan art and what if I make a proposal area and ask dream to be my mincraft boyfriend?" I say laughing.

Girlgamezr554: omg yesss
Olimpu6: are you official?
HaylEe4162: yESSSS

"Ok ok no we're not official this is a joke!" I say.
"So let's get started shall we?"
I created a picnic area with red and white wool and I put flowers all around. I finally placed a sign asking the question and then topped it off with item frames I put stairs in it and placed them at an angle which made it a heart and texted him to go online.
"Hello y/n!" He says
"Hi I have a question!" I say
"What is your question?" He asks nervously.
"Do you have a mincraft girlfriend or boyfriend?" I ask
"I mean me and George are kinda but I don't have like an actual one!"
"Ooooh ok!" I say smiling at chat.
"So follow me this way!" I say taking him to the picnic area.
"Oo what's this?" He asks
"Read the sign!!" I say.
"Aww this is cute!"
I felt my face turn pink but luckily no one saw.
"Yes I will be your mincraft boyfriend!" He said
I felt really happy as I smiled at chat when a donation poped in

£8 sNiper413xd
Aww you guys are cute I love you so much I hope in real life you meet and get together! X

"Aww thanks for the £8 Sniper413xd and I doubt we will meet anytime soon!"
"Hahaha how do you know I don't have a plane ticket right next to me?" Dream said.
"Let's be honest do you?" I asked
"Hmmm idk if I'm allowed to say!" He said
I felt my body go warm and I felt full of hope. If he actually did this would be the best day ever. I would be so excited to see my boyfriend in real life. WAIT I MEAN MINCRAFT BOYFRIEND GOD DAMN ITT. Just calm.
"Now we are together we should go on a date!" He said
"I have the best idea!" I say
"Hmm?" He asks
"SKY BLOCK!!" I say
"Great thinking!" He said logging out of the world. We were loading into a game and something happened hay I didn't think would. He started singing.
"Why would you ever kiss me? I'm not even half as pretty. You gave her your sweater. It's just polyester. You like her better. I wish I were heather." He actually sounded cute when he sings. I muted my mic and talked to chat.
"Hahaha I'm watching your stream you don't have to mute y/n" he said chuckling.
"Oh yeah right sorry!" I say unmuting and getting embarrassed. Did I really just say that? Oh well. A few minutes in and me and him are playing it. I'm getting cobble stone and he's just working on other important things. I find myself mumbling the song to myself.
"I still remember, third of December, me in your sweater you said it looked better on me than it did you, if only you knew how much I liked you but I watched your eyes as she walked by, what a sight for sore eyes, brighter than the blue sky, she's got you mesmerised while I die why wo-!" Until I hear the familiar voice join in with me.
"Why would you ever Kiss mee? I'm not even half as prettyy. You gave her your sweaterr it's just polyesterr you like her betterr I WISH I WERE HEATHERR!" We both sing together. Our voices together sounded cute and it made me blush but this time the chat picked up on it.

ZombieXgg: Aww SHES blushing
Cloecat7767: that sounds really cut you should make a song together!
Jesse33_08: cute!!

"Your voice is cute!" He said
"Your is decent hahaha!" I say knowing he was expecting more than that.
"I know you do I was joking calm down haha" I say chuckling.
"Shit I just realised that us singing together is gonna be a clip!" I say
"Omg everyone's going to post that!" He said actually sounding nervous.
"Oh well I don't care!" I say throwing my water bottle in the air and catching it.
We stream for some mor after before we decided to end it.
"Goodby bitches and goodbye dream who CAN hear me!" I say shouting
"Byeeee!" He said
I shut my computer off and mincraft off. Another day another stream I say laying on my bed.
"Y/N!!!" George said busting though my door.
"What the fuck do you want?" I ask
"YOU AND DREAM!" He said
"Yeah we're mincraft girlfriend and boyfriend!" I said.
"WHAT I DIDNT KNOW THAT I WAS ASKING YOU ABOUT THE SINGING!" He said freaking out in a good way.
"George calm down breath in and out!" I say breathing slowly.
"Us singing was accidental I was singing and he joined in it wasn't planned!" I say.
"I just can't believe it your dating my best friend it's amazing!"
"WHA WHAT? No no no we're not dating!" I say.
"Oh so your girlfriend and boyfriend but not dating I'm confused!" He said
"Yeah I know but you seem like to it dating!" He says
"No I swear if I hear to say that once more in will rip your head off!"
"Your dating dream!"he said running.
"YOU BITCH GET BACK HERE!!" I say climbing ontop of him.
"AHHH GET OFF ME!" He says trying to pull me off his back. I slap his head and jump onto the sofa. I put a film on and watch it. To soon enough realised I had fallen asleep on the couch.

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