Chapter 4

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(Luz's POV)

Amity came inside carrying an object that seemed to look very familiar to me. "Amity, is that what I think it is?" I asked quietly. She looked at me and nodded her head. "So, Hecate didn't destroy the Eye of Sefrandis when Azura and Malingale found her lair and forced her to flee, after all. She said she was gonna destroy the symbol of her and Azura's friendship from childhood. But instead she sent it here to the human world." Amity said shocked.

There was suddenly a knock on the door, Amity and I were reluctant to answer the door. "Amity, I know you're still near the door. It's me; Diaspro Park, Willow's cousin. Open up please." Amity turned around to carefully look out the window and saw a girl with long blonde hair in pigtails, who looked a little bit like Willow at the door. "Luz, it really is Diaspro. She's cool, we can open the door." Amity said, looking in my direction.

I moved toward the door and I go to open it. As I open the door; I see Diaspro Park, Willow's cousin standing on the front porch. "Hi Diaspro. How are things?" I asked. Diaspro looked in every direction, and then she asked; "Is there a safer place to talk? I nodded. She asked if she could come in, waiting patiently for an answer.

Now it is a well known fact that Willow's cousin; Diaspro is half-witch and half-vampire. So like all vampires, Diaspro had to be invited into a place in order to enter it and once she or any vampire had been invited into a place they could come and go whenever he or she pleased any time day or night. Diaspro was the same, only she isn't interested in drinking blood.

In fact; Diaspro drinks Tomato juice or some other substitute for blood, and it seems to sustain her quite well. I looked back at Amity who mouthed; "What does she want?" As if she could somehow understand, Diaspro answered and said; "Amity, I know you're there. And this is important! It's in regards to Willow's birthday."

Amity stepped forward and invited Diaspro inside the house. "So, what do you have planned for Willow's 25th birthday Diaspro!? Anything good?" I asked after I closed the door. Diaspro looked at me and said; "Actually, Boscha and I are planning a surprise party for her. You know ever since graduating from Hexside Academy, Boscha has really taken a liking to Willow. Those two are just like you and Willow were as kids Amity! Thick as thieves so to speak."

After another minute or two; there was a second knock on the door. "Oh, that would be Boscha now!" Diaspro said surprised. "Although, I didn't think she would be able to meet up with me today." I looked out the window and saw two men standing on the front porch. "Actually; Dee. It's two men." I opened the door and said; "Hello, may I help you?" The first man was a bit burly and buff and he looked like Willow (if she were a male) and the other seemed delicate, tenderhearted and soft.

"Yes, my name is; Bob Park, this is my husband; George. We're Willow's dads and we were asked to come here by my niece; Diaspro. You see, our baby girl is turning 25 in a few weeks and we wanted to help her girlfriend and cousin." The burly man said politely.

I let both of them inside, but just as I was about to close the door; Boscha came running up the walkway. "Dee, wait for me!" Boscha was almost up the stairs to the porch when she slipped and something familiar fell out of her hand. As soon as I recognized what it was, I asked. "Boscha, is that by any chance the Hat that Anatragraff wore during her battle with Azura and Hecate in The Good Witch Azura Book #5!?" Boscha smiled. "Why yes it is, Luz. Yes it is. I wanted to give it to Willow as a birthday gift considering the fact that she is such a big Azura fan like you and Amity are. I just care so much about her and if me being able to give her a gift like Anatragraff's hat makes her happy, then I want my Willow-kins to be happy."

I helped Boscha up, then I carefully picked up Anatragraff's hat and handed it back to her. "Thank you, Luz. I can't believe that I was ever mean to you, you're actually really kind, helpful and caring." Boscha said as I helped her get back to her feet. I held the door open and signaled for her to go on in. She thanked me and then entered the house and I followed.

After we were inside; I closed the door and we proceeded to the living room where everyone had gathered to plan Willow's birthday party. Boscha noticed that one person was missing from the party planning group. "Luz, I am waiting on one more person to arrive to help plan Willow's birthday party and I need you to go watch for her. As soon as you see Skara, let her in and tell her we're in the living room. Okay?"

I acknowledged her request then I left to go look for Skara. As I reached the window by the door there was a knock. "Hello, I'm whispering so as to not rouse suspicion. I know that you're there Luz. Please let me in, I'm here to meet with Boscha, Dee and all of the others regarding you know who's upcoming birthday party."

I looked out the window and saw Skara. As I was about to let her in my Máma called out for me. "Luzura! Come see me in the laundry room for a minute please!" I shouted back; "Una momento por favor Máma." She replied; "Okay, mija!" I opened the door and let Skara inside, I pointed her to the living room and told her that everyone else was meeting in there. She thanked me and headed to the living room.

As soon as she went to the living room; I went to the laundry room and found my mom doing a load of laundry. "Luz, would you be a dear and help me fold Amity's clothes?" I nodded and then I began to help her fold my fiancée's clothes. As my mom and I were finishing up; Amity walked by. "Oh Luz, Mrs. Noceda, you don't have to fold my laundry, I can do that when everyone leaves after the meeting."

I kissed Amity and said; "Mittens, it's my job as your fiancée to take care of you, and that includes doing your laundry. Although; my mother doesn't allow anyone to put laundry into the washer or dryer, she does that herself. But, as your fiancée, it is my responsibility to see that your laundry is cleaned, pressed, folded, organized and put away." Amity blushed and then she kissed me. "I knew choosing to marry you was a good idea. I'm very proud to call myself your fiancée, Luz!"

I blushed and then continued folding her laundry. Amity headed toward the kitchen and after about 10 minutes; she came out of the kitchen and brought a tray of finger sandwiches with her. Care for a Pineapple Egg salad sandwich my light from heaven?" I took a sandwich from the tray and ate it. It was surprisingly delicious. "How about you; Máma Noceda?" Amity asked my mom as she offered her a sandwich.

My mom smiled at being called; Máma Noceda by my future wife and she said; "Why gracias mija!" She took one of the sandwiches and ate it as well. Then Amity took the tray into the living room and offered everyone else a sandwich. My mom wasn't too keen on eating food in the living room, but it was a special occasion.

Máma had always thought of Willow as her second daughter, and because this was a meeting to plan Willow's "Quarter-Century" birthday party, it made sense for máma to allow food to be eaten in the living room. After the meeting was over, Boscha stayed behind to talk with me and Amity. "So, have you two figured out who would be planning your Big Day!? I mean; sure, Luz's father is paying for the wedding ceremony and reception, but who's gonna be planning it?"

Amity looked at me and then back at Boscha. "Honestly; we haven't decided yet. But if and when we do decide, you'll be the first to know." Amity said politely. Boscha nodded and then she asked me specifically; "So, Luz. When you and Amity decide to have children, what do you want to name them!?" I looked at Amity and then said; "We were both thinking about either; Lithia Willow Belos or Anita Edalyn Belos if we have a girl, and for a boy we only came up with one name; Octavian Augustus Belos! Why do you ask!?"

Boscha looked at both of us and said; "When you do decide to have children, will you please name me their witchmother!?" I looked at Amity confused and she chuckled; "A Witchmother is like what you Humans would call a godmother, Luz." I breathed a sigh of relief and then we both nodded and agreed to name Boscha the Witchmother of our children. Boscha thanked us and then she left.

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