Solangelo ~ Sunny D

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"Will!" Nico complained, searching through his dresser drawers. "Where are all of my black t-shirts?"

"Oh, hi honey, I did laundry last night," Will replied, walking through the door of their bedroom with his hands full of Nico's black shirts. "Here ya go."

"Thanks." Nico reached over and took the shirts from his partner. "You're the best."

Once Nico had gotten dressed and Will had ran a brush through Nico's wild black hair, they went into the kitchen and got some breakfast. While Will made toaster waffles, Nico rummaged through the fridge in search of his favorite juice.

"Will, where's the Sunny D?" Nico asked over his shoulder as he pulled two containers of guacamole and a can of Squirt out of the fridge.

"It should be in there," Will said, pouring syrup over his waffles. "Waffle?"

"Sure," Nico smiled, walking over to Will and allowing him to feed him a bite of waffle.

Nico looked over at Will's hands, spotting on his ring finger a ring that Nico had gotten him when they first started dating. It had a golden band engraved with the word θησαυρός ("tesoro" (treasure) in Greek) and was set with a golden opal with a piece of onyx in the middle.

"Where's your ring?" asked Will, pointing to Nico's fingers with his fork and startling Nico out of his flashback.

"In my pocket," Nico replied, pulling his ring out of the pocket of his black aviator jacket. Nico's ring had been a gift from Will a few days after Will had gotten his ring. It had a silver band engraved with the words Φάντασμα Βασιλιάς (Ghost King) and was set with a black onyx with a piece of opal in the middle.

"Put it on!" demanded Will. Nico chuckled and slipped the ring onto his finger, and then resumed his search for the Sunny D.

He finally found it, and then pulled a cup out of the cabinets and poured himself a glass of Sunny D. Will laughed when he saw what Nico was doing.

"What?" asked Nico, suddenly on the defense.

"Nothing," chuckled Will. "But this reminds me of a joke that Leo told Percy the other day . . . Wanna hear it?"

"Oh boy," Nico muttered. "Sure."

"Why does Nico like Sunny D?"

"I have no idea, Will. Just tell me."

"Because Ocean Spray isn't his type!"

Nico glared at Will as if by glaring at Will, he could glare at Leo. Will busted out laughing. "Percy just stood there for like five minutes and then he said, 'I'm drowning you, Valdez.'"

"Leo is funny and all, but he has an evil sense of humor," Nico muttered, fixing himself a bowl of Cheerios as Will continued laughing. "Evil."

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