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WJSN made a comeback with the song "Boogie Up", the song became popular and gave their group 4 music show wins.

Everyone are happy especially Chinity line who currently did a video chat with them on their dorm. They had fun congratulating and teasing each others but Chengxiao noticed Eunseo is not that lively and avoiding eye contact with her on the screen.

"Did you miss me, Eunseo?" Xiao suddenly asked while Bona and Xuanyi are telling how much they missed shopping together.

Eunseo looked on the laptop screen then saw Chengxiao smiling brightly at her with Meiqi and Xuanyi on each of her sides. Their members fell into silence thinking that Eunxiao will finally had conversation thru this video chat but Eunseo dryly replied . "Yes. I miss you and also Meiqi and Xuanyi unnie."

Chengxiao felt her heart aching again. She became very busy in China but she knows that she did her best to communicate with Eunseo through phone even though most of it are just online chats. There's no way that Eunseo can forget about her again.

"Is there something wrong, Eunseo? I-I thought everything between us is better now. Exy unnie even told me that your memory is better now. You are no longer suffering from temporary amnesia, right?" Xiao asked with her eyes fixed to Eunseo who sat next to Bona but eyes are looking down the floor. "Don't you dare say that you can't still remember anything about me especially about us, Son Juyeon."

Their members excused themselves and was about to leave Eunseo alone on the living room but stopped their steps when they heard what Eunseo said.

"Can't we just make new memories together? I keep on pushing myself to remember you but I can't. I can't remember any single thing about you especially the things you said to me before you left last month. I-I can't remember any single thing about you, about us. I'm so sorry, Seongso."

Their members can't beleive what's going on. Eunseo is no longer suffering from partial amnesia as the doctor said the last time she had a check-up but why can't she still remember Chengxiao?

Why only Chengxiao?

Eunseo looked on the laptop's monitor then saw Chengxiao crying while Meiqi and Xuanyi are comforting her. Eunseo hates herself for making Chengxiao cry but she can't lie to her saying that she can finally remember her especially their secret love affair.

"Why? Why are you doing this to me? Did I do something wrong to you? How could you do this to me, Eunseo?!" Xiao shouted in frustration making her members run back to where the laptop is then asked her to calm down.

Bona looked at Eunseo then studied her facial expression. She knows Eunseo too well and she can tell that Eunseo is really guilty but she's not really lying right now.

"I love you and you said you love me too. You also made a lot of promises to me before I left but...why are you doing this to me? Why did your stupid mind choose to forget me? Why me?!" Xiao cried then run away making Meiqi chased after her. Xuanyi looks so worried but remain sitting on her spot.

"Please keep an eye on Seongso very well with Meiqi, Xuanyi. Let's end this video chat now but don't forget to inform us anything about Seongso, okay?" Exy said worriedly but still keeping her composure. She's the leader and she doesn't want to look weak especially for the maknaes.

Xuanyi said goodbyes to her members especially to Bona who keeps on rubbing Eunseo's back comfortingly then ended the video chat. Exy knows that her members especially the maknaes wanted to scold Eunseo so she hurriedly asked them to go back to their bedrooms but Eunseo is the one who run back to her room.

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