Battle with Free De La Hoya

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(Ms. Author : This part is not necessary to read if you're here only to watch the battle. I wrote this (READ FROM HERE!!!) somewhere in this chapter in bold letters. Keep scrolling until you find it and start reading right after that. Thank you!)

Ukyo's P.O.V.~

I lost my confidence the moment I was informed that I am going to battle Free for the second round of the Penta Generation Tournament. I can't do this! I'm so gonna los— Idea! I won't go to the Tournament altogeth— Ha ha ha! Who am I kidding? I'll have to go or else this crazy Admin is gonna eat me alive.

Come on Ukyo! Get yourself together and think!!! I was panicking so hard right now, but it was all on the inside. From the outside I was looking completely normal, and I think you must have already guessed what 'normal' would be in my situation.

Shock had hit me so hard that my 2 ribs broke due to the impact of my heart beating so wildly. I'm kidding, guys! Don't worry, your favorite character is alive and healthy.
But the way Xander and Yugo we're looking at me wasn't so approving. Then they diverted their attention from me and started talking among themselves about sending me to the hospital or something. Did I really break my ribs? I hope not.

"He's out of it, Yugo. Maybe we should try and consult a psychologist." Xander said. Huh? So they think I'm having a panic attack? Well, they're not completely wrong. But what do they even expect from me?! It's Free De La Hoya we're talking about! The member of Big Five and the former member of the Raging Bulls. Above that he is a main character, unlike me who is just an extra!!!
Why me, God? Why me?

(Ms. Author: Who the hell gave you the permission to break the fourth wall?!!
Ukyo: *shows an agreement that clearly says that Ukyo Ibuki can break anything he wants, including the fourth wall* You did. *Smirks*
Ms. Author: This is not fair! I am the one who controls you! *Insert angry face*)

Okay, I'm done with my pathetic complaints which would be ignored anyways. You must be thinking, how I gained my composure in such a short time? Well, let me tell you a useful thing that Admin has taught me, We have 24 hours in a day and God gives us only 5 minutes to be sad. Now comes the self-encouragement part. I don't care how popular or powerful Free is, because in a stadium we're both the same, bladers. I have a battle which I can't back off from. So, I have to at least give my best.

Confidence regained. But, I need to practice now. The battle is tomorrow so, I should get started n—


WHAT THE— Wait-! No swearing! I looked up and saw Yugo holding an empty jar which I suspect was filled with water just seconds ago. These two idiots just splashed a jar full of water on my face. Oh, they are so gonna pay for it! What I didn't realise was that while I was encouraging myself, my expression changed drastically.

Imagine a guy as still as ice, smiling like a maniac with eyes wide open. I must have looked creepy. Why did I suddenly see Rantaro's scared face? Well, nevermind, let's just continue.

"ARE YOU GUYS OUT OF YOUR MIND?!!" I shouted at both of them.

"Calm down, Ukyo. We were just doing what was necessary." Yugo tried to clam me.

"Pouring a jar full of water at my face was necessary?! Okay then, I'll gladly return the favor." I snatched the empty jar from Yugo and was about to go to fill it but Xander stopped me. I literally felt like smashing the jar at his face but I forgave him just because we're friends.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2020 ⏰

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