[II] Hell is who you are

Start from the beginning

Haruto: They don't, Jeongwoo showed no sign of recognition as well

Junkyu: That's odd
Mashiho greeted me
: "It's nice to see you again, Dr. Kim"
: That's what he told me and i was like, what the actual fuck

Haruto: HOLD UP

I mindlessly shove my phone inside my pocket and once again glance at Jeongwoo. How is that possible?

My thoughts started drifting away as i try to think of possibilities and memories that might help me figure out what's going on. I didn't even notice that Yedam's lecture already ended until he called my name out loud.

"You obviously did not listen to my lecture" Yedam said while shaking his head. I silently look up to him and that's when i realized we are the only one left inside the room.

"Blame Junkyu. He suddenly messaged me in the middle of your class." i replied before sighing.

He curiously stared at me. "What did he say?"

"Mashiho remembered him"

"Huh? I thought their memories are erased?"

I nonchalantly shrug my shoulders. I don't understand what is happening and I don't think I'll be able to figure it out anytime soon. My thoughts are temporarily set aside when Yedam suddenly chuckles upon seeing Junkyu hurriedly walk to get inside the room- catching his breath while anxiously putting a few medical documents down above the table.

Yedam and I look at him in curiosity though we already have a clue of what is going on.

"So?" Yedam started off.

Junkyu sat down across us and lean down a little while trying to calm himself. "I bump into Mashiho earlier and i was planning to ignore him since you guys said that they don't remember a thing. I walked past him and he suddenly ran after me, he even grab my wrist before telling me he missed hanging out in my office."

A sly smile curve on my lips before i exchange glances with Yedam whose now suppressing his laughter. I only shake my head, running out of words to say.

"You're telling us he actually remember your fun times together like a hundred years ago?" Yedam ask smiling from ear to ear.

Junkyu seriously nods.

"I want to know your thoughts" I said before leaning back on my seat.

I can see how confused and nervous he is. Memories probably flooding his mind, Every detail of those days were etched into our minds like an old sketch, except it was messed up. A mix of happiness and tragedy but we all know what's more dominant.

I always knew memories like that would remain but years passed and we're still thorn between taking it as a gift or a curse.

"I don't know. I don't have much to say." Junkyu answered and somehow i can relate to him but on a different note.

"Years ago, you were able to lure Mashiho and even in this lifetime you managed to. I'm certain you didn't save heaven to get all that luck."

He look at me as if ridiculed of the words i just said. "You know we're just friends. He was an intern in Hyunsuk's hospital and i was the one in charge of monitoring him back then. He didn't remember anything aside from the things we did before."

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