Chapter 10: Blood On My Hands

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No... Dear Naga, no... I used his body like... a toy. I'm a... I'm a monster...

Y/N surprised me by gathering me up in a warm embrace. I cuddled into the crook of his neck, happy he had provided me with some relief. I guess the self contempt I was giving off had been picked up by him, because he whispered into my ear.

Y/N: Lucina, make a promise to me. Whatever you do to me, you must never hate yourself. You are a beautiful person, an unfortunate victim of this... otherwordly force. You are not to blame for any of this, or anything that happens in the future. Please, I can't allow you to beat yourself up over this.

Despite everything, his words ignited a burning warmth inside of me. A warmth sucked away by a cold voice.

???: Don't listen to that submissive sap. This is all your fault, Lucina. I reached into your soul and found your deepest, darkest dreams and made them a reality. You enjoyed it... didn't you?

Lucina: No... I h-hated it!

But the voice had already sowed seeds of doubt in the uneasy ground of my mind. Had there always been a part of me with this dark fantasy?

???: Face it. You're a demon like me now. They all hate you for what you did to Y/N. You don't belong here anymore.

Lucina: I... I don't... belong here...

???: That's a good girl. But there's no need to fret. Come, quickly, to the forest east of your room. I have something to show you.

The voice, by now, had me at its mercy. I stood up in a hypnotized daze, and ran out of the room before anyone could say anything.

--Y/N POV--
Y/N: Lucina? Lucina!

I tried to get her attention as I helplessly watched her run away. She was acting strange... like she wasn't in full control of her faculties. And my intuition told me that wherever she was going wasn't going to be nice. I had to stop her!

Sharena: Y/N, you can't get out of bed!

I groaned as the ache of my bones came into full force. I futilely tried to ignore the pain, focusing on finding Lucina. 

I let out a stream of protest as Sharena pushed me down onto the bed, keeping my arms down with a strength I didn't know she had. "L-Let me go Sharena! She needs me!"

Sharena: You're in no condition to go after her! I will tie you up if you don't listen!

Y/N: Th-Then you better...

She looked at me, pityingly and sadly, before knocking me out with the hilt of her sword. I didn't blame her. After what Lucina had done to me, they all had good reason to be afraid. But my love for my little blue-haired warrior came before anything else.

Be careful, Lucy... Because I'll blindly follow you to the ends of the earth.

--Lucina POV--
I staggered into the forest, clutching my head in agony as the headache there grew worse and worse. I had no place among Y/N and my friends. 

I tripped over a tree root and fell to the ground, scratching my arm on a rather sharp branch.

Lucina: A-AAH!

I groaned and touched the bloody scrape on my arm, wincing at feeling a burning pain. This was what I deserved... seeing Y/N recoil at the sight of me had only convinced me more. 

I took out my sword, letting out a cry in frustration as I attempted to make small incisions in both of my wrists, and failed. Something was stopping me from doing it... but what?

Y/N's smile came into my head. My one true love. It would kill him to see me like this... and so I wouldn't. Harming myself wouldn't just harm me, it would hurt the people around me.

It was then that I witnessed the impossible. I sensed an extremely powerful presence, flying towards me at a rapid pace. The lush, colorful flowers on the ground shriveled up and died. The grass became grey, and a cloud blocked out the sun, throwing an underlying gloom on everything.

 I felt a cold hand touch my chin softly and pull it up, bringing me face to face with...


Wh-What?? Why had I called her that? Saying it in my mind somehow gave me a sense of content. It was right to call her that...

???: Well, well, well... A little girl, lost in the forest, completely alone.

Lucina: I... I-I...

I gasped as the female figure got on her knees and kissed my cheek. Her skin was cold, but it sent waves and jolts of pleasure down my spine, making me want to pass out just by thinking about it. Y/N had never made me feel this way...

In my stupor, I failed to notice that she had picked me up bridal style, and had begun to whisk me further away from the Order of Heroes.

???: Hush, hush child. Rest now...

I listened to her, as I drowsiness took me over with each breath I drew.

Lucina: Okay... Wh-Who are you?

Hel: My name is Hel, child. But feel free to call me mother...

Lucina: Y-Yes, mother...

I hugged her tighter, afraid to let go. It came to me- she was the only one who cared about me. The demon inside me had festered, influencing my train of thought. Y/N hated me... They all did, for carelessly hurting and decimating his innocence. I began to cry silently.

Lucina: M-Mother... Wh-Why does e-everyone despise m-me?

Hel: Shh, shh. I don't despise you... You will always have me...

We made our way to a small pond, where she laid me down, kissing my forehead once more. I stared into her cold, lifeless eyes, and felt relaxed.

Hel: Listen, my daughter... To prove your everlasting love for me, I want you to do something...

Lucina: Of course... Anything for you, mother...

She whispered into my ear, my face turning pale. "Wh-What?? I can't do that to them..."

Hel: But honey... They hate you, remember... They were going to abandon you...

As soon as she said it, I knew it was the truth, and nothing but. "Yes, mother... I will obey..."

Hel: Good. Now, I must go for a while, daughter... But fret not, I will be back... to check on your progress...

Lucina: N-No, mother!

Hel: There is no need to worry. I promise to return.

I nodded, and after a brief flash of light, she was gone. All my thoughts, my entire mind, and my wants and needs, were Hel's. I laid there for a while, until Sharena and Alfonse came running, out of breath into the clearing.

Sharena: L-Lucina! Are you okay??

I smiled, though it wasn't genuine. None of it was. Inside I was being held hostage by Hel, my cries and screams for help going unanswered.

I was hers... and hers alone.


Thank you once again for reading and voting on this story! Really helps lift my spirits despite all the crazy things going on in the real world. I won't say for sure when I'll have the next chapter to this out, because I really don't want to let you guys down.

See you when I see you!


For Me, This Is Heaven (Lucina x Male!Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin