Chapter 10: Aura's Day With Draven

Start from the beginning

"I'm assuming this is one of your beasts Aura?" Draven asked as he looked at the large wolf. "Yes it is Lord Draven! This is Fenrir, or Fenn for short." Aura explained as the large wolf walked up to Draven before sniffing him all over. Fenrir then licked Draven's as the boy gently pet the creature's head. "Looks like he likes you Lord Draven!" Aura said with a chuckle as she smiled at him. "Yes well I'm happy that he doesn't see me as a threat." Draven said as he scratched Fenn behind the ears gently as the wolf let out a happy panting like noise at the contact.

Aura then walked up to Draven as Fenrir laid down on the ground waiting for Aura. "What do you say we go for a ride?" Aura asked as she climbed onto Fenrir's back and looked over at Draven. Draven climbed onto Fenrir's back behind Aura before gently placing his hands on her waist. Aura once again blushed at the contact, but remained calm in order not to embarrass herself. Fenrir began running through the forest as Aura let her smile grow larger, she loved riding on Fenn's back as the wind whipped by her and the trees pasted her by at high speeds.

               Draven could understand why Aura enjoyed riding on the back of one of her beasts so much, the feeling of wind on your face and high speeds are rather enjoyable. Draven however did hear the sounds of another creature running alongside them as Draven turned to see what appeared to be a six legged Chameleon. "Oh that's Itzamna, I call him Quadracile." Aura explained as Quadracile turned to look at Draven before it's tongue shot out of its mouth. Quadracile gave Draven a quick lick on the cheek before retracting it's tongue back into its mouth just as quickly as it had been shot out.

 Quadracile gave Draven a quick lick on the cheek before retracting it's tongue back into its mouth just as quickly as it had been shot out

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          Aura let out another laugh at the sight of Quadracile licking Draven before she faced forwards once again. Eventually they made it to a clearing where they stopped to rest. "Despite living here for a couple months now, it still amazes me just how big each floor of Nazarick is." Draven said as he looked over the open field. "See, isn't this better then locking yourself in that work room of yours?" Aura said in a smug tone as she smiled at Draven. "I'm just trying to contribute in anyway I can Aura, I'm not much use in combat until my Mana pool increases." Draven said as he looked down at his feet in thought.

              Aura was worried about Lord Draven, it wasn't good for him to work himself to death like this. Aura wanted to comfort the young Lord, but she didn't know what she could possibly do. Fenrir has another idea as she pushed Aura towards Draven as the Dark Elf stumbles forward. Aura yelped as Draven turned to look at her only for the Dark Elf slam into his chest. Draven fell to the ground as his back made impact, Aura was on top of his chest. "Are you alright Aura?" Draven asked as Aura finally noticed the position they were in. Aura shrieked as she scrambled to her feet and backed away from Lord Draven in embarrassment.

              "F-Forgive me Lord Draven, Fenrir night need more disciplining!" Aura growled as she glared at the large wolf. "It's fine Aura, no harm was done after all." Draven said with a small chuckle as he smiled at Aura. Aura blushed lightly at the sight of Draven's smile, but once again kept her cool. "W-Well, if you say so! Anyway, what do you say we take a nap? After all it looks like you stayed up all night Lord Draven." Aura said in a slightly teasing tone as Draven grew a blush of his own. Draven and Aura laid up against Fenrir as they both drifted off to sleep next to one another as all was peaceful.

             Albedo and Shalltear were currently making their way through the forest on the sixth floor as they had heard from Solution that this is where Aura had brought Lord Draven. "While I'm happy that Aura got Lord Draven out of that room, it's rather frustrating that she took him so deep into the forest." Shalltear said in an annoyed tone as she looked around for the Dark Elf. "Shalltear, come over here for a second!" Albedo shouted over to the vampire as she hurried over to the succubus's side. What she found however was a rather pleasant sight, Lord Draven and Aura sleeping side by side while snuggling up to Fenrir. "My, my I think little Aura has taken a shine to Lord Draven." Shalltear said as she and Albedo quietly snuck away as to not wake the sleeping young ones.

So yes if you can't tell Aura will be Draven's future love interest. Honestly she's grown on me quite a bit, plus while doing research I found out that she confirmed that her and Mare will grow physically overtime. Now I've recently thought that Draven creating a servant seems slightly unnecessary. So what if one or two of the maids become his personal bodyguards? If you like this idea, which a maid would you like to see take up the position? Now then what awaits Draven next in the Great Tomb of Nazarick? What will be the next battle that he gets into? What dangers lie ahead? Find out in the next chapter of Overlord: Child of the Library!

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