Please Read

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so I just want to tell anyone who reads this trash that this is my first story and I can't write that well the only reason I'm writing this in the first place is cuz I thought of it when I was rewatching the anime and wanted to read it only to find that there's like 5 story's

my spelling and grammar are crap So don't expect much
Feedback is greatly appreciated but please don't be rude tho I will probably laugh at it and agree

Also please keep in mind that I'm just putting my thoughts down I'm not pre-editing this I might if I get into it more,
and I have school and a life so I won't be able to update all the time so sorry if it takes a long time for a chapter to come out

Also last thing I promise, I'm not that good at describing things so for the episodes your probably just going to get the dialogue I'll try but like most of this book don't get your hopes up

(Also I'm only going to say this once I don't own the characters or story plot that belongs to Shūichi Asō)

Anyway You have been warned So enjoy this as much as you can
- Vixen2968

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