Chapter 3

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For rockband80

"Here." I put the seatbelt across Mitch's body. The angel didn't react. He just watched until the belt clicked. It looked like he was trying to learn everything. I closed the passenger door for him before walking to the driver side. I started the car. He tilted his head to the side.

"I did not want to believe it." He pushed me against the steering wheel.

"What are you doing?" His hands dipped in my shirt to run across my back. "Hey!" He jumped into his seat at my raised voice. "What the hell?!" He went to answer then I decided to revise my question. It seems he takes everything literally. "What are you doing?"

"They told me humans did not have wings. I did not want to believe it though. Fascinating." I fixed my shirt with a blush on my face. He was very handsy. 

"You have to tell me where to go." He went to answer. "While staying on the roads." He pursed his lips. 

"May we walk then? I must pass through the property of other people to get to my destination." I sighed.

"Yeah. Whatever. Unbuckle yourself." He looked down at the buckle in confusion. I laughed. "The big red button....push down on it." He did as I instructed and let out a little scream when the seatbelt raced to get back to its rightful place. We got out of the car and I followed him. We started by going through the woods near my house.

"Do you mind if I stretch my wings?" I shook my head. He took off the shirt. As he was undoing the buttons, I couldn't help but look at his sun kissed skin. It look so smooth. So untouched. His wings made a loud 'whoosh' as they snapped quickly out from his back. A couple feathers came to land on the ground. 


"No!" He went to stop me from picking up his feathers and he pulled away with a pain scream when he tried to grab the feather from my palm. The feather flutter to the ground like a failing helicopter as I went to help the angel.

"Are you okay?"

"No." His voice was quiet. 

"Let me see." I gently grabbed his hand. There was a long cut on his palm. "How?" He didn't say anything. "I'm not going to hurt you, Mitch." He looked up at me. He seemed so innocent. In that mind though, I bet there is thousands of years of knowledge. 

"When an angel's feathers fall, they become weapons that hurt the kind that they were so loyally attached to."

"Your feathers become kill angels?" I tried to translate what I heard into my form of English. He nodded. 

"It seems not to hurt you though." He went to touch my hand and I let him. His fingers swirled across my palms. I looked back at his broken wings. Something came over me and I tried to use my free hand to touch them. Suddenly, they disappeared. Mitch could only be describe as looking horrified at me. "Why would you touch my wings? We are not in a relationship." He put back on the button up, walking away from me. I caught up with him easily.

"I have a question."

"I have many answers." If this were one of my friends, I would have called him a smart ass. But he didn't understand. I rolled my eyes instead.

"You said something about your love." He looked down at his feet as we continued walking. 

"Daniel. He is a traitor now." A chill went down my spine at the harshness of his voice.  

"Did he touch your wings?" Mitch rubbed his shoulders like they were sore.


"Why not?" He snuck into the back of someone's yard. I had to follow after. 

"Because he....he did not want-I mean, I did not-I do not know. We just already knew that we were together." I tried to sneak this part in nonchalantly. 

"So, you're gay?" He glanced over at me.


"You like to be with other men." He stopped walking to think. That's when I noticed we were on a sidewalk. I had just been blindly following him. Now we were in town.

"Well, yes I do. But I like being with women too." My hand came to smack my face. He didn't understand me. 

"I meant that you have relationships with men." 


"And you like it?"

"Yes." He didn't seem confused anymore.

"But isn't being with another person of the same sex a sin?" Mitch let out a small laugh. "What? Did I say something wrong?"

"No. Just naïve." He stopped walking and turned to talk to me. "Think about it. God created you. He created everyone. He sparked evolution because he himself was evolving. So by creating humans in his image and his experiences-" 

"Are you saying God is gay?"

"No. But he did experience it. He decided it was not for him though. So he decided to give it to his creations. Starting first by making them curious about the thoughts of being with the same sex. And since he was experimenting, he saw how the other humans reacted. How they became violent and called it a sin. Being gay became for those he thought were the strongest. Same with people that cannot decide which sex they enjoy being with more." I followed along carefully. I couldn't believe what I heard though.

"So you're say God doesn't mind?"

"Scott...." His hand was placed gently on my shoulder. "Why would he put the thoughts in your head if he did not want you to act on them?" I looked down at my feet.

"Everyone said it was wrong for me to like other guys."

"Quite the contrary, it is a blessing. You are special enough." He left me and began walking again. I had to run to catch up.

"So, you've had sex?" He shook his head.

"All angels must remain virgins if they are stationed in Heaven."

"What's your station in Heaven?" His eyebrows drew together. 

"I do not remember. I just know I am a virgin." He stopped again but this time he looked up at the house we were in front of. "Do you know the man who lives here?" I looked up at the white, two story home.

"It's Mr. Hall. He's really old and weak." He smiled at me.

"That is what he wants you to think." My curiosity peaked and I followed him up the stairs.

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