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This was one of the worst mornings ever , i
cried myself to sleep and even now i couldn't get out of my bed until atike came in .

" Come on you should wake up you can't do this " atike took the cover from my body but i pulled it back

She sighed making me turn to the other side

" Murad will be mad if you don't show up todafy , he had planned a meeting today for you and mehmed pasha

I immediately got up staring at her in disbelief

" You must be joking right " i said pushing my hair off my face

" No , look you should go meet him maybe you will like him " she tried to consolate me but it just seemed off

" Atike i don't want this , i don't care how he looks like or anything please leave me alone " i layed on my bed facing the side

" Believe me if you don't go it will get you in trouble " she said one last time before leaving my room

A part of me told me to get up and another part of me told me to stay and i sure chose the decision to stay .

I shut my eyes and surrouded to my tired body , but before i can already sleep fully the door opened after revealing murad's presence but i continued on sleeping

" Neslihan " murad said in a different tone this time , i immediately got up in a sitting position before i got up fully bowing to him

" Now why are you doing this " he said walking around my room as i was biting my inside cheeks from nervousness

" do you know what's the punishment of breaking a sultan's word " he stopped soon as he was standing infront of me

I had no choice but i fell on my knees

" Murad please don't make me marry someone i don't love " i sadly spoke trying to make him go back on his word

" If my father was still alive he wouldn't have married me like this , i am from the dynasty too not just like one of the harem girls you can do whatever you want with " the last sentece jumped out of my mouth angrily but i held myself back from yelling

"I am doing this because i love you , you not many years apart from gevherhan and she got married but why not you " i got up staring at him

" if you truly love me you shouldn't rush things on me like this " i replied as i wiped my tear away

" if you truly love me you shouldn't rush things on me like this " i replied as i wiped my tear away

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sat back on my bed and pushed my hair behind before i sobbed on my pillow .

Why was this happening to me ? What was my sin to deserve this . I was so angry at murad , at one point i started feeling hatred towards him and my anger took over me fully

" if this is what he wants then i'll do it " i tried to calm myself down by repeating this but deep inside i knew i was going to take revenge on him and his decision .

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