How you meet

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Jack- You and Jack have known each other for YEARS. You were kicked out of your house at a young age and Jack took you to the lodging house. You guys have been really close ever since.

Davey- You and Davey attended the same school when you were really little. You guys hit it off quickly and became best friends. Even when he left, you visited him every day.

Crutchy- Crutchy has been one of your father's paitents for about a year (your dad is a doctor). The day that you start interning for your father, you're assingned to assist Crutchy for his check-up. During the check-up he decides to start a conversation. You can't help but smile at how cute he was! After that, y'all just hung out, like a LOT.

Race- You're on your way back to your horse's stall after winning a race when a short boy around the age of 16 with a cigar in his mouth stops you and says, "Cuse me miss, i's just wanted ta say thanks"

"For what?" You ask, clearly confused.

"Winning" he says with a smile while holding up $5 he won betting on your horse. As he turns around, about to leave, you stop and say:

"Wait" you say, "I never got your name"

"Racetrack" he says with a toothy grin."And yous?"

"Y/N" you say as you go back to the horse stalls

Spot: You're making you way over to the "King of Brooklyn"s territory because your brother, Jack needed you to send a message to Spot Colon himself. "Stop right there" a boy says. You turn and see a very tall boy glaring at you. "Whats yous doin' 'ere?"

"I'm here to see Spot" you say. He points farther down the dock. As you walk down, you can't help but feel as if someone is watching you. "Hello?" You ask.

"Well, what's a pretty lady like yous doin' 'ere?"

"I came to see Spot. Its about the rally tomorrow" You say rolling your eyes.

"You's lookin' at 'im."

There's going to be a meeting tommorow for all newsie. Be there." you say harshly before going back home.

(Thats all for today folks! I hope you enjoyed, and if you didn't, I'm not surprised. Please comment any suggestions. I dont know what to do next. See ya later knuckleheads!


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