After several minutes, a bubbly Irish waitress stepped up to her, tearing her attention away from the door. "Hi, my name is Breanne. Do you need a menu? Or do you know what you would like already?"

She had light hair pulled back in a loose bun, but a few curls had gotten loose and now hung around her face in a cute, slightly disheveled way. She had a pale complexion behind her pink cheeks and was wearing a long-sleeved white blouse with a dark turquoise skirt that matched her eyes.

"Um, could I see a menu?"

"Of course! Just a moment."

She walked towards the back of the café and Lizzy reverted her attention back to the door.

A few minutes later, Breanne was back. She handed Lizzy the tall menu with a smile. "I'll be back when you know what you'd like. Take your time!"

Lizzy nodded at her and smiled. The Irish were all so friendly. She was a perfect stranger, and a lot of them had smiled at her when she walked in. Breanne, especially, was extremely nice.

She opened the thick parchment and read the options, but she didn't really register what she was looking at – she glanced at the door every few seconds. Once she examined her surroundings, but soon she was back to looking at the door.

The room was full of light and natural colours. Two large front windows allowed sunshine to fill the room, and the décor was very bright – all the tables were whitewashed, the chairs were green, and the walls were painted light grey. The wall across the room from Lizzy was red brick. Overall, the ambience was very pleasing, and Lizzy knew Liam would like this place.

The rising sun was now shining directly through the window, and Lizzy's dark hair was absorbing the heat pleasantly, but it was also making it a bit difficult to see the people who were walking in. "Oh, come on," Lizzy muttered.

The door opened and a couple walked in. Lizzy ignored them. Liam was only eighteen – these people, from the little she could see, were in their mid-twenties at least.

A few more Irish men and woman entered before the waitress returned, but none of them looked even remotely like they could be Liam – a lot of them were too old, or too slim, or not slim enough. Their hair was usually wrong - wrong colour, wrong length, or just not messy enough... Lizzy smiled. Then a thought occurred to her. What if he was in disguise?

"Have you decided yet?" Breanne asked, jerking Lizzy out of her thoughts. Lizzy jumped a little.

"Oh, sorry if I startled you! Um, do you need another minute?"

"Oh, no, I think I'll have the –" She looked down at her menu. "The –"

Just then the door opened, admitting a tall, somewhat handsome teenager with dark, ruffled hair. It was especially tousled from the light wind outside – Lizzy recognized him immediately.

He wasn't in disguise.

"Liam!" she gasped, half-rising from the comfortable wood seat to get a better look at him, then collapsing back into the plush cushioned seat.

Breanne looked confused. "I'm not sure we sell that – anymore. If we ever did. May I see your menu?"

Lizzy thrust it at her and grabbed her dove grey shawl. "Thank you," she said to Breanne as she stood. "Goodbye!"

Breanne smiled. "Well, I suppose we've had weirder customers than you."

But Lizzy was already halfway across the room. The waitress shrugged and began to wipe down a nearby table, the soft smile never leaving her face.

Time Will Tell [Complete]Where stories live. Discover now