Chapter 2 - Billie

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$#3 $0 ©ut£ ^^^ could you read it???

She looked up. I had her hand reached out with a pad and a smile, she was  looking at my eyes while she took it from me. She was soooo crimson by now.

"Th-thanks y-you, I c-can give you one i-in return when I come back.. " she stuttered out, looking at me.

I smiled, she's adorable.

"It's fine, don't worry your cute self about it. But don't go out alone right now, it's late, something might happen to you. You got someone?"

She shook her head, looking redder by the second.

"Okay one sec. FINNEAS" I yelled. He's somewhere in the room.

"YES?" he yelled back.



"NAH IM GOOD! Ok let's go" I said after getting my credit card.

She looked shocked, can't really blame her. Looked like she wanted to decline, her adorable shy ass did. I stopped her before she could say no.

"As long as it's not wasting your time." She said. Cutie.

Since I was wearing a hoodie, I pulled my hood down to avoid recognition, because press is so fucking annoying.

So we went down and outside the hotel, she was acting pretty awkward. Normally a fan would've bombarded me with questions by now, so I'm grateful she hasn't yet. Honestly this one is different.

Rose's pov

I'm on a rollercoaster of confusing emotions. I'm embarrassed, shocked, and realllyyyyyy confused.

At least I'm not fangirling, that's so annoying.

"So what's your name?" She asked and I turned to mush.

"Rose. It isn't really special." I said, not stuttering once.

"It suits you though. You were so cute when you were blushing. Just like this." She said pointing at me in my blushing mess.

"Am I getting a compliment from the fucking Billie Eilish?"

"Am I getting a sentence without a stutter from Rose I don't know what your surname is? And you know how to cuss! "

"Loryelli. And you got me there." I was feeling a tiny bit more comfortable.

We reached the supermarket, Billie making sure her hood covers her face. But to be honest, anyone can recognize her anywhere.

"We're here" she stated, looking at her side to me. I nodded.

We quickly went in and I felt the air conditioning whip my face. Not really but yeah. I went directly to where they put pads and tampons and got a pack, then went back.
Billie was getting some Takis and Cheetos.  So I looked around and got some sweets and chocolate, because a bitch needs her sugar.

"You good?" She asks looking at me. I nodded.


" OH MY GOD IT'S BILLIE EILISH!!" Fans, ugh. I'd hate to imagine what it's like to be Billie.

I looked at Billie and saw that she was resisting the urge to groan, but she quickly masked it with a smile. Hugging her fans one by one (a/n: by one. Sorry I couldn't stop myself), they finally let her go. After asking her way too many fucking questions that are honestly too dumb (no offense).

"I'm sorry you have to do that everyday. But in their defense you could be recognized anywhere. Everyone knows you." I said trying to lighten the mood.

"I guess you're right. So let's check out?"


"That  would be 23.99 dollars" the woman on the counter said.

I pulled out my credit card, but Billie stopped me.

"I'm paying." She said.

"You just met me an hour ago, you better not go around paying for some fans' stuff. If you trying to show off I'm already the biggest fan out there. No need." I said. Wow trust me to make a paragraph.

She raised an eyebrow, kind of impressed.

"Wow. I never imagined my biggest fan to actually realise I'm a human. But no, this isn't show off. " She replied and gave her credit card to pay then took it back.  I sighed.

Once we were outside, Billie turned around to look at me.

"So are you really my biggest fan? Tell me, did you know what room I was staying in before you knocked on my room?"

I looked at her and frowned.
"Why would I know? There is something called privacy that I like and thus I like giving it to others."

She looked at me seriously, there was something in her eyes though, that I couldn't understand. I mean it isn't everyday you find a fan willing to leave you alone when you so desperately need it.

"Thank you. You don't know how good it feels to be left to your own. Sometimes fans just ask really fucking rude and dumb questions that I would do anything to avoid." She said. So that's what's in her eyes.

"Of course, let's go up." I said as we reached the hotel. We went up and she looked at me.

"If you need anything, or you just need someone, I'm right here. The concert is for yet another three days. I assume you're coming, since you're my biggest fan?" She said, smirking at the last part.

I rolled my eyes. "I didn't come from middle east to LA and find a 2,000 dollar ticket to watch the fucking stars now"

Her eyes widened. "$2,000? I thought they were cheaper. Gonna have to talk with my asshole manager. How close are you going to be?"

"Front line. You're going to be seeing a lot of me I guess." I chuckled out.

"Yes! That's one weird fan out." She muttered under her breath.

"I'm glad you don't think I'm weird then" I said, laughing light, as she did the same.

"Yeah. So what you gonna do after now?" She asked.

"I'm going to binge watch a bit of 'The Office' and eat some, then I'll probably sleep"

"You watch it too?What season?"

"The second episode twelve. Wanna join?" I offered.

"If that's okay with you. Always nice to watch Netflix with someone. And I'm not so far ahead so I'll just give Finn his Takis and tell him I'm here."

"Of course it is. Go ahead." I assured her. This is cool.

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