Chapter 7

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Third Person POV

Audrey looked through her scepter to see the VKs walking around Auradon

Audrey: How did Mal break my spell?

Chad: I don't know

Audrey: And what is Uma doing here?

Audrey grabbed a glass bowl and threw it at Chad. He ducked just in time

Chad: I don't know. I don't know, okay? I can go check for you. How about that?

He tries to get up but Audrey snaps at him

Audrey: Stay! It's about to get ugly

She smirks and pats Chad's head like a dog


The VKs walk into the castle and look for Ben

Mal: Ben!

Dude: This way

Dude says sniffing the air, trying to track down Ben by his scent

Evie: Ben could be asleep anywhere

Celia: Or turned to stone

Y/N covered Celia's mouth as Mal took a deep breath

Mal: Okay. Ben!

Dude: I got a scent. Very pungent cologne. Easy to track. Follow me people. And FYI, I give great cuddles too

Gil: Really? I've never had a pet growing up. Well, except for the elk head in Dad's man cave, but that wasn't really--

Uma: Hold up. What's this

Carlos walks up to the painting. It had scratch marks on it. He turns to the rest of the VKs while pointing at the scratch marks with his thumb

Carlos: Uh... Any chance this was already there?

Dude: And follow me

The VKs continue to follow Dude until they reach and armor room filled with knights

Evie: Stay here, okay?

She tells Celia as Celia nods

Gil: So you can track, cuddle, and talk. Hey, do you think his puppies would be able to talk too?

Carlos chuckles

Carlos: Alright, man. He's taken. You want a dog, adopt a rescue

Y/N giggles and grabs Carlos' hand and they catch up with the rest of the group

Uma: I bet you lost some sleep thinking about me on the loose

She smirks as Mal rolled her eyes

Mal: No. Dragons don't really lose sleep. I wonder what fried octopus tastes like

Y/N: Okay. How about we not do this

Uma: We're celebrating our differences 

Harry leans into Uma's ear

Harry: I believe we're being challenged

Uma: Let's split up and look for Audrey

Mal: That makes absolutely no sense. Unless you give me my ember, she's gonna spell you

Harry: Gals! We have a situation here

He yells over them

"Do you like a prince, Mal? How about a knight in shining armor? Or knights?", Audrey says through the knight

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