chapter 4💕💕💗

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Back to reality.

Wei Ying looked at Yuwan with teary eyes , he bent down hugged Yuwan tightly ,kissed his forehead, cheeks passionately.
He wanted to hug him tightly not in the mood to leave him.

Lan Zhan seeing Wei Ying emotion pity , sad but happy at the same time.

But then Yuwan teacher came looking for him and once again Wei Ying has to control his emotion and let Yuwan go.

Yuwan went with the teacher smiling and waving at Wei Ying.

Lan Zhan and Wei Ying sat to talk.
First Wei Ying was going to leave but Lan  zhan stopped him saying,
"It was difficult for Wei Ying but at least they can have some talk ".

"Yuwan is such a cute and mannered child ,so loving " started Wei Ying.

"Yes he is ,gone on his mother ".

Hearing this Wei Ying was little shocked , surprised but then he thought Lan Zhan is talking about Yuwan'mother.

"What are you doing here"asked Lan Zhan.

"I came here with my children ,they are having music competition today ".

"Children ... Oh so you got married , where are your children "

"They all are practicing and getting ready "

"They all ,how many children..."

"Ten children , I run a small music school where I teach music and dancing " replied Wei Ying.

Lan Zhan started to cough , so you run a school , they are your students.

"Yes ,what did you " Wei Ying patted on Lan Zhan shoulder when he realised what was Lan Zhan thinking.

At that moment they both acted as before when they were together.
But then Wei Ying stopped and become normal.

"Where have you been all this years".

"After leaving the city , I started my new life , I got a job in a NGO runned by the church .
There I started teaching dancing and singing.
After that I opened a small music school , this was only thing I knew to do .But it is better from that club life .

" Have you married ".

"Till now I was busy to run my livelihood , to establish my music school , I didn't get time to think about it "

"Or you didn't got anyone or you didn't let anyone come close to you " said Lan Zhan.

Wei Ying looked at him and both at each other without saying any more words.

After few minutes so silence Wei Ying spoke .

" How is your mother "

" She is good , little unhealthy and grown old , she loves Yuwan very much and often get stressed playing with him".

"What about your wife ,she didn't came with you ".

"No she didn't ,she is not here "

"Oh, she is out for the  shoot " asked Wei Ying.

"No she is dead .."

"What, how , when ..."

"After you gave Yuwan in her hand  , she left the entertainment field and started living happily with her child , but her health got worsen day by day .

The depression of giving up her career , and old addiction of alcohol and drugs made her nervous , depressed , panic , she got addicted .
Doctor reported that she had cancer  ,in the last stage  .
They tried all their efforts to stop her ,get her normal but ...
she loosed her life two years ago .
Yuwan was only three at that time "

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2020 ⏰

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