Chapter 2

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The days continued to drone along and the practice room remained the warm stuffy and humid torture that it always had been

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The days continued to drone along and the practice room remained the warm stuffy and humid torture that it always had been. There was nothing abnormal about this day. Nothing out of the ordinary. Nothing new. And that's what irked me the most about the trainee life.

It was a constant loop. Go to school, get to the company, practice until your legs give out and voice becomes hoarse, go home and repeat. This was all on the slight chance that you might debut. But the unfortunate part of it all was the fact that not many of us will.

This was my thought process as I made my way to the water dispenser, hoping to refill my bottle. I came to a halt when I spotted Haruto doing the exact same thing.

Hesitantly I approached him with steady steps. He seemed to take notice of my presence as I observed his form tense up slightly. If one hadn't known him as long as I did, it would've slipped passed them easily.

"H-Haruto, how are you today?" I attempted a friendly smile as I stepped closer to him.

"Is there something you'd like? I don't believe you're talking to me for the fun of it. That's not like you at all dear Mashiho" he stated, slight sarcasm dripping off his words.

"I was just checking up on you" I said.

"Oh? So we're checking up on each other now? Mashiho-san are we not years too late for this conversation?" A small smile made it's way on his face. But this smile wasn't friendly. Haruto never is. Not to me at least.

The other members began filling the practice room one by one however my focus still remained stagnant on Haruto.

"Haruto we were young, I was young, I apologized you know this" I tried to fight the irritation pooling in my head.

At this he chuckled, shook his head and walked to the other members and assumed his position in the dance routine with me following close behind him.

It's easy to forget the moves to a dance. It's common as a trainee for your mind to fog up and your body to hesitate in taking the next step. Every trainee has been through it. It's one of those things that happen, people shrug it off easily. All except me.

I willed my body to move, to flow to the rhythm as I had once been taught.

I was pushed to take dancing seriously by my parents at a young age. They pushed so hard they became obsessive and had forgotten to stop and let me live like the children my age were supposed to. My childhood consisted of going to school and rushing back just to go to dance school and finally go back home. There was never time for me to socialize or stop and smell the roses. It's a sob story. But it's a sob story that is destined to bring me success.

The music came to an abrupt halt as the door swung open at an alarming pace creating a loud bang as it slammed against the wall. My head snapped in the direction as I stared at the person who had just entered the room with wide eyes.

To my relief my eyes settled on a short female with long brown hair and a face hidden behind huge glasses. I identified her immediately as Irie Sakura, the manager of the trainees. Suddenly my body tensed up again, there was a reason why she was here.

" BOYS listen up, I've got important news so I need you to stop what you're doing. Even if you're having a heart attack I need to go pay attention! No exceptions!" She yelled, eyeing us individually.

My eyes rolled at her last statement. A bit too dramatic if you ask me.

"So, let me get to the point. Mashiho, Haruto, Yoshinori, Asahi, Keita, Mahiro, Naoki and lastly Kotaro. The trainees previously mentioned are to be taken to the Company branch in South Korea to take part in the upcoming debut competition reality show."

Time seemed to pass in slow motion as my heartbeat increased. My eyes landed on Asahi's and I noticed his had already been on me.

"State now whether you accept or not. Those who accept will be taken through a lengthy process that includes legal procedures, Language clinics and ultimately sent to korea to begin the filming of the show. Those who do not accept however, will continue as a trainee." She finished off, using her index finger to push her glasses back up her face.

Was it a trick? A trick question. It was almost as if it was. No one in their right mind would have chosen the latter. Certainly not me at least. It may have been the adrenaline coursing through my body, if I had to blame something that would certainly be it, because my feet began to move on their own accord and my mouth formed the words before I even had the chance to think.

"I'll do it. I Takata Mashiho accept."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2020 ⏰

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