chapter 3 "I am turning 18!!!"

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"MOM, everything has got to be perfect today because i am turning EIGHTEEN!!!" said Samantha to her mother some what excited. "And mom DO NOT forget to invite Angelina and of course Selena Gomez because i want to show everyone at college that i am still the queen bee" said Samantha dominantly."OKAY OKAY!!! relax darling the caterer is doing everything he can to make the birthday perfect you just need to TRUST them right now with everything." Said Samantha's mother to calm down her daughter. But Samantha just rolled her eyes and grinned.

"MANDY MOORE!!" shouted Samantha at her best friend as she usually called people with their full name when she was angry. "YOU CAN NOT invite Jessica to my birthday and she has only been part of our group since only a month, besides you know i don't like her much, Samantha told her best friend rolling her eyes. 'WELL THAT'S BECAUSE YOU DON'T KNOW HER, Sam. She is a really good friend and i spend most of my time with her, shes not one of those mean girls who scheme to ruin other people's life, said Mandy trying on another dress for Samantha's party. Well maybe YOU ARE RIGHT but you aren't gonna leave me alone and be best friends with that JESSICA are you?? asked Samantha suspiciously. "How can you say THAT?? you know i would never hurt you and HEY!! we have been friends since kindergarten. COME HERE GIVE ME A HUG AND SAD DOES NOT SUIT SAMANTHA GILBERT!! As the two friends hug each other Samantha thinks if Mandy really is speaking the truth as for Mandy just thought what happens if she does become best friends with Jessica. "Now come on tell me the red one or the blue one??" asked Mandy with a smile on her face. "Of course the RED ONE" said Samantha smiling.

"Hey beautiful" said Jonathan looking at a blonde. "Oh go find someone your AGE, CREEP!!" said the blonde slapping him on the face. "Hey what was all that about??" asked Drake with a grin on his face. "Oh, you know me, the usual." said Jonathan laughing. "Yes unfortunately i do. Hey listen up, you coming to Samantha's birthday party tonight??" "Of course i will," said Johnathan turning back and looking at a woman's ass. "STOP DOING THAT DUDE," said Drake going inside the coffee shop with Jonathan.

"WAKE UP, WAKE UP, JESSICA LOOK WHOSE BIRTHDAY CARD JUST ARRIVED, said jessica's mother waking her up. "Whose??" asked Jessica half asleep. "Samantha's" said Jessica's mother excited that her daughter had already made friends. "WOW, I will surely go just please keep it on my table and thank you, MOM" said Jessica still half asleep and within seconds she started snoring again. "WELL, your welcome i suppose, though that was not the kind of response i expected" Jessica's mother mumbled going out of her daughter's room.

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