A/N (Author's Note)

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Hello everyone. I'm here to give an important announcement. I'm sorry I haven't been active, I just needed some time off. I've also been reworking the first book that I've written and published on Wattpad. It's a fanfiction of the Underworld series. However, before I do that, I'm going to finish writing it so that way there aren't any big gaps between chapters. I'm again sorry for not being active.

I also have some bad news. I know I promised to try and finish this story but the truth is that I don't know where to take it. I've tried rewriting it but I still can't come up with how to continue it or how to end it. I'm not really sure if I'm going to keep this published or not. I'll see what I do.

In the meantime, I'm going to continue writing this new story I have in store for you guys. Can't wait to publish it! I sincerely apologise for keeping you in the dark for so long, I needed some time to think about all this.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2023 ⏰

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