I - Soft And Mushy

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Hinata Shouyo, a middle school boy who is lacking in height compared to others in his age. His dream is to be the best among all volleyball players in the world. However, before he could even win a battle in an official game, a huge crisis appeared before him.

It was Tuesday in the morning and the sun still haven't rose but Shoyo's alarm is already ringing nonstop. It was too loud that it made Natsu can't help but wonder how can her brother still be deep in sleep with this kind of background music. "Nii, wake up." Natsu said, shaking her brother gently.

"I'll play with you later, Natsu." Shoyo, who was half-asleep, said.

He turned into his right side, facing the wall but Natsu who was waking her brother up for the seventh time already, sighed and inhaled. "Nii! Your match is happening today!" she shouted beside Shoyo's ear.

"Natsu! Don't be too loud." their mother said downstairs making Natsu pout—punching Shoyo repeatedly yet weakly.

Shoyo then woke up, sat up and suddenly banged his head to the headboard causing him to be awake from his daydreaming. "Ouch! Good morning, Natsu!" he excitedly greeted as if his head wasn't hurt a second ago.

Natsu just giggled at his clumsiness and gets out of the room to get ready for school after successfully waking Shoyo up.

The latter then looked at his clock and after that, his calendar. The first days before the circled date was already marked x, making him smile widely. It's time for his revenge. This is what he had been waiting for after losing his first official match in 2nd year middle school against the King of the court.

Stretching his hands out, he thought of his newly found rival, Kageyama Tobio. Although he doesn't want to accept the fact that Kageyama is amazing, he can't disagree with it. 'Well, I mean, he got that height, toss, and his maddening receives. But just he wait and I would surpass him real quick.' he thought to himself with flame like determination showing up in his eyes after remembering how Kageyama's serves scored more than 4 points.

"Why does my body feel heavy?" he questioned.

He touched his forehead and was in relief that it wasn't hot. He hugged himself to congratulate him but then, felt a huge bump in the center.

'A bump? But I am a man. Is this Natsu's prank?' he said at his mind then touched the newly formed part in his body.

It was soft and mushy, as if he has two big marshmallows. As he touch these, he felt that something was totally wrong. And that something would change Hinata Shoyo' s whole fate.

These two big and mushy parts doesn't have a texture of his favorite meat buns nor any kind of bread. It was smooth yet bouncy, like a human skin is.

"Okaa-san! Why do I have these boobs?!" he screamed at the top of his lungs, shocked by the sudden existing bumpy part in his chest area.

His mother, who was cooking breakfast then hurried up and got to Hinata's room, thinking that he was pranking. "Oi, Shoyo! Why are you saying boo-are you cosplaying right now?!" she screamed, not believing what she had just saw.

Shoyo was wearing his regular pajamas but now, it became something bigger than him, as if he turned into a chibi in a manga.

"Does this things looks like a prank, kaa-san?!" Hinata then lift up his shirt and showed his ma'am with a panicking voice.

"Don't lift your shirt up so aggresively, you brute!" Hinata's mom shouted worriedly because the window beside Shoyo's was open. "Get ready. Let's go to the hospital, okay? " the mother said and speedily got her car keys.

The three of them were asking and answering questions at the same time that it became something that couldn't be interpreted by any of them. "Nurse! Excuse me. My son just turned into a girl!" Shoyo's mother shouted at the counter with both joy and shock in her voice.

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