"I'm more worried about science." Hyunjin muttered. Jeongin looked over at his boyfriend and smiled. "I'm not the best either, but we can study together Hyunnie."
"Not sure how much 'studying' would actually be happening then." Seungmin said with a smirk, laughing as the two boys turned a light shade of pink. Jisung couldn't help but shake his head, wondering why all his friends were always ready to say some nasty shit. "Come on! Believe it or not, we actually study very well together!" Jeongin said, defending themselves. Hyunjin however, was about to pull something that made the entire table laugh. "But we do the other... thing better, right?" No one could help but burst out laughing, Jeongin now redder than a tomato. They got scolded by Mrs. Lee, but they considered it worth it.

"Sungie, do you mind helping me out with science? I just can't understand module 17, no matter how hard I try." Minho said, a tired smile on his face. It was true he couldn't really understand it, but he also hadn't put in his best effort to study it. Jisung nodded with a smile, agreeing to help him out that weekend. "I can't believe exam week is only three weeks away, I should've started studying earlier." Changbin groaned, regretting the fact he had spend all his time playing videogames with Felix. Changbin always struggled with studying in general, not finding the motivation to start early and then suddenly having to do everything at once. Jisung had pushed him to do better ever since they started college, but they had both been preoccupied by other things to even think about studying. It had been the last thing on their minds, in all honesty. The fact that Changbin was a very slow learning also didn't really help. Jisung admired how the olders' mind worked. The boy could remember the most insane raps, but he couldn't study for the life of him. Changbin called it 'selective learning', Jisung just called it 'remembering what you're interested in'.

Minho expected Jisung to invite Changbin to their freshly planned study session this weekend, but to his surprise it didn't happen. Rather, Jisung asked Changbin to come over that same night to study instead. Minho couldn't help but feel a few butterflies in his stomach, thinking about the fact Jisung wanted to spend time with just him.

"Sure, I can make it tonight."

"Not faaaaiiiiirrr, I need help studying too." Felix pouted, noticing the three had been making plans. "I can help you out, if you want?" Chan smiled. Felix' eyes lit up as he agreed. The two had become close friends the second they were introduced, both coming from Australia. They were always hanging out together, often changing from English to Korean within the same sentences. It was a great sight to see them being such good friends. No one really realised the two were developing feelings for one another though, both being good at hiding it. They wanted to test the waters and see how it would go before making anything public. It wasn't that they didn't want their friends to know... they would know when the time was right.

The rest of the study session went rather well. Occasional grunts and sighs of dissapointment filled the room, from themselves as well as a few other students who decided to stay a little longer after their classes had ended for the day. Finally, they packed their bags, deciding they had fried their brains more than enough. Everyone parted their seperate ways to their own homes, Changbin going with Jisung. They talked about recent music that had come out, until the topic turned back to their first class of the morning.

"I was honestly shocked by Minho hyung. He didn't seem the type to sing like a god, but there he was." Changbin laughed, shaking his head at the younger. "W-What's so funny?" Jisung grabbed his keys from his pocket as he opened the front door, stepping into the quiet house. Changbin forgot Jisung's father wasn't there for a moment, feeling somewhat relieved for the younger that he could finally enjoy some peace and quiet. "Well, I could see you gawk from the corner of my eyes this morning. It was super cute, really. You're absolutely whipped for him."

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