𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑅𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑎𝑙

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The Vent covering suddenly flew off making a loud clanking Noise on the floor. Everyone in the room immediately knew it meant that the others had come back from exploring the facility.

"Thomas!" "Raven!" Dakota and Noah overlapped eachother. Dakota rushed over to Raven, Pulling her towards her and checking her face to make sure she wasn't hurt.

" We gotta go. We gotta go right now" Thomas spoke while walking at rapid speed towards the door, trying to find something to barricade it with.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Nova questioned, trying to get Thomas to at least give them a clue on what they saw.

"What the hell did you see?" Noah asked, He stood up quickly knowing that it couldn't have been anything good.

"What do you mean, "We gotta go?" Newt Asked Thomas. It was extremely hard to get anything out of Thomas while he was running around the room like a headless chicken looking for something, anything to help them.

"They're coming. Come on. We gotta go"

"Who's fucking coming Thomas be a big boy, use your words" Maddie mocked Thomas. She was getting pretty annoyed with his vague sentences.

Lilith and Grayce started to Pull off sheets and hand them to Thomas for the door to lock it.

"Paige, Shes still alive." Thomas replies quickly whiles trying to tie the sheets around the handle. He spotted something else he could tie the other side to, to secure it and he started to.

"What happened in there?" Minho

"Raven! Lilith! Aris! What happened?!" Frypan demanded at them. The tone in his voice made Dakota anxious and she wasn't even the one being yelled at.

"Thomas can you just calm down and talk to us"

"She still alive" Raven deadpanned while looking for a weapon of some sort.

"Who's she? Teresa?" Newt wad trying to make since of what they were saying but it was all so vague and confusing.


"Ava? Will you just turn around and talk to us" Newt tried saying but was quickly cut off.

"It's WCKD!" Thomas shouted at them. It fell silent the only sound that was hear was Thomas's heavy breathing while he struggled to tie a knot on the door. Everyone realized the seriousness of the situation. Everyone finally realized they were in serious danger.

"It's still WCKD. It's always been WCKD." Thomas picked up a mattress and slammed it against the door.

"Thomas. What did you see" Athena asked Thomas calmly, unlike everyone else who were shouting at him. He looked her in the eye and tried to explain as much as he could as quickly as possible.


Thomas made it out of the vents first. He walked around a bit to check if the coast was clear. Once he saw there was no one in sight he motioned for everyone else to come out of the vent.

"Come on, come on." Everyone started to get out of the vent. Athena was the last one out but she tripped over her foot and face-planted. Newt offered her his hand with she kindly took and silently thanked him.

Thomas made sure there was no one left in the vent then urged them to keep walking. They continued to walk but Lilith noticed Aris had stopped.

"Aris you know to escape we have to move right?" Lilith asked with a dumbfounded expression on her face.

"You guys go ahead there's something I gotta do."

"What are you talking about?"

"Trust me, it's important. You guys wanna get outta here, right? Just go."

"I'll go with him" Winston announced to the group. Raven and Noah looked at each other and nodded in agreement to whatever they were thinking.

"We will too" Noah said motioning between him and Raven. Dakota's breath hitched she was afraid she wouldn't see either of them again she quickly engulfed them in a group hug and urged them to go to Aris.

"Okay. You three, Go! Go! Come on" Thomas ushered them to go and they ran in to different directions.

"You sure we can trust this kid?" Minho asked which earned him a punch in the shoulder by Maddie. 'Of course you can trust him he's the reason we're alive right now dumbass' Maddie thought to herself but she decided against saying it.

"You don't wanna know where we'd be without him" Thomas responded. Truthfully without him they'd probably be one of the bodies right now. Once the turned the corner

"What are you kids doing ou-" out of nowhere Dakota began hyperventilating and sobbing. Athena rushed to to her care but realized what was going on when she saw a ghost of a smile on Dakota's face.

"Ms we were just looking for you, you forgot to give me my meds and i feel like I can't breathe ,help me" Dakota choked out in between sobs. Suddenly the alarms started to go off and the lady realized something was off.

Dakota grabbed the lady by her arm in one swift move she had the lady pinned to the wall. Faces of shock were spread across the faces in the group.

"Now you're gonna bring us to Teresa now or I won't hesitate to snap your neck right here now do I make myself clear?" Dakota Warned, the lady nodded in obvious fear. Dakota forcefully yanked her from the wall and pushed her forward, to show them the way to Teresa.

"Now I know not to get on her bad side" Lilith commented. She didn't expect Dakota to be much of a fighter or an actress but everyone's full of surprises.

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