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"What the hell do you mean we're "not safe" People go to the safe haven everyday Lilith" Grayce exclaimed at Lilith. Lilith had just burst through the vent with Nova, Raven and Dakota and told the girls Everything.

"I saw it with my own eyes, those tables had bodies on them, the structure of the way the sheet was spread across the table shaped a body and the diagram on top of it was literally that of a human body." Nova Defended. She felt like she was trying to teach a group of blind students how to read, they just weren't understanding.

"Yeah I'm sold , I doubt they're teaching health in there" Raven added. Raven wasn't pleased about the whole thing ,  she's afraid no doubt about that but no one would enjoy being woken up then forced to crawl into a vent with no explanation.

"Let me get this straight, Aris knew we might be in serious danger and didn't think once about telling us but immediately told a new guy we know nothing about ?!" Dakota snapped. She was laying on Athenas bunk, She was way too tired for all of this.

Her nerves were all over the place, Being an explorer in her maze she always had to be brave. But WCKD broke that part of her.

"Yes that's exactly what happened" Lilith confirmed. She was tired. Physically and mentally , She had just found out Rachel might not be safe or even alive, she was hoping she'd be able to see her again, she promised her they'd see one another again. How would she survive without her bestfriend?

"It doesn't matter, you three go back to your room we can talk about this tomorrow after we've we'll rested, the tables were covered you don't know what you saw" Athena said while opening the vent again. Once she got it open she motioned for the girls to get in. Once she saw Dakota was fast asleep in her bed she shook her awake.

"But I-"

"Tomorrow." And with that they got in and went back to the room.

{present time}

All eyes were on Dakota as she placed her tray next to Noah's. A look of confusion was plastered on each if the gladers' faces. The same look could be seen from the girls at her usual table (beside Raven she was smiling like an idiot).

"Dakota? Why aren't you sitting with your friends?" Noah questioned her, he was actually thrilled she wanted to sit with him, he just wanted to know why.

"And here I was, thinking you'd be happy to see me" She fake pouted which quickly turned into a grin. Noah smiled at her before playfully shoving her. This caused her to mess up his hair by ruffling it with her fingers.

"Mr. Janson is calling names already , stop messing around" some random girl commented and rolled her eyes at them. Instead of causing a scene Dakota decided it be best to simply ignore the girl so she scooted closer to Noah.

The unknown girl started looking at Noah like he was some kind of meal. Dakota didn't like it one bit and she honestly didnt know why it pissed her off so much, but it did.

Without knowing what else to do to get this girl to stop staring at Noah, she grabbed ahold of his arm and laid her head on his shoulder. Even though the girl had already looked away Dakota didn't move, she felt comfortable, she felt safe.


"I wanna know what's through that door" Thomas deadpanned, glaring at the doors in determination to know whats behind them.

"That's a terrible thing to be curious about." Noah added only to be pinched by Newt in response. Newt was giving him a look saying 'I got this' so as one should Noah just continued to eat.

"Now, we've been over this. You said the were covered up, so you don't know what you saw, it could've been anything under there." Newt tried reasoning with Thomas, But Thomas had already set his mind to it.

"I know exacty what I saw. They were bodies. Aris said they bring in a new batch every night" The name Aris made Dakota groan in annoyance. 'I can't believe he'd keep something like that from us, that asshole.' She thought to herself.

"Who the hell is Aris?" Minho asked. Minho was convinced Thomas had officially lost his mind.

"The guy in the grey sweatshirt who's surrounded by all girls" Dakota spoke up while motioning to Aris. She buried her head back into Noahs shoulder as soon as she felt eyes on her. She hates being stared at, It makes her feel so small.

"Well, I'm sold."


"Okay I'm sorry for keeping this from you all , I know I should've told you all but in my defense I wasn't sure what i was seeing I hope you can forgive me" Aris finally apologized after:

Being glared at by Raven, called a dumbass by Dakota who left the table immediately afterwards, and got an apple thrown at him by Lilith.

It was silent for few moments before Nova spoke up.

"Apology accepted."

"What I don-" Grayce was cut off by Raven kicking her leg. Raven did not feel like dealing with any disagreements at the moment. Its the first time she's been without Dakota since they've escaped, and on top of that Dakota's been distant from her since Lilith and Nova told them what they saw.

"Apolgy accepted." Lilith repeated.

"Hey guys ,what's he doing?" Athena and Newt questioned at the same time without knowing.

Thomas had suddenly gotten up and started walking towards the doors with determination in each step he took.

He was blending in with the ones who were called as well as he could without drawing to much attention. He was seconds from the door when he was pushed back.

"Hang on, You weren't called." The guard told Thomas while blocking the door. But Thomas wasn't gonna give up that easily. He had to know what was through that door.

"I know, I'm just gonna be a second." He attempted to reason with the Guards.

"This is a restricted area, kid." Another guard quickly shot down his plan. Thomas began to get irritable, he needed to see what they were doing here, what they were doing to Teresa,

"I just wanna see my friend. Can you let me through?" his tone was filled with desperation. He tried to take another step forward but the guard shoved him back.

"Get your ass back in that chair." The guard told Thomas with absolutely no emotion displayed on his face.

"See there's nothing to worry about Thomas is literally walking away" Dakota was saying to Minho, She realized his attention was still on Thomas, soon after she realized the Gladers started rushing towards where Thomas was.

"What's your problem man!" Thomas shouted at the guard who violently pushed him away from the door. The Gladers.

"Back off!" The guard shouted back at Thomas. Thomas tried to rush at the guard once more only to be stopped and to his surprise it was Athena who stopped him. She grabbed him and pushed him over to the Gladers.

"Why won't you let me see her!" He yelled. The Gladers were trying to restrain him from attacking the guard . He was struggling in their grip.

"Control your friend!" The guard pointed in the Gladers' faces before being pushed out of the way by Janson.

"What's happening here?" Jason spotted Thomas.

"Thomas, I thought we could trust eachother... you know were all on the same team here." Janson spoke to Thomas. But Thomas wasn't buying a single word coming out of his mouth.

"Are we?" Janson and Thomas stared at each other for a moment. The tension so thick in the air you could cut it with a Knife. Until Janson spoke up once more.

"Get them to their bunks."

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