In a brilliant flash that lit up the entire clearing, the light died out revealing a sight none of the onlookers had expected. Laying on the ground was a beautiful woman, wrapped in a soft white, flowing chiton. She had the most pristine white hair and as her eyes peered at Perseus' own, he saw the same purple she'd always had that she got from him. All in all, Erimia would easily be taken for a goddess despite her looking to be around 12 years old.

As Erimia acknowledged her situation, her eyes widened with shock as she began to panic, leading to Perseus quickly scooping her up in his arms holding her to his chest, whispering reassuring words into her hair. Finally calming down as Demeter and Hestia gave the two space, both also in shock, Perseus placed her down on her feet, luckily, she seemed to have maintained fine motor skills despite her transformation.

Once again peering into her fathers eyes, Erimia nervously asked, "W-what's happened to me father?" She spoke in a soft and velvety smooth voice.

"It seems becoming immortal has granted you a human form. It is fine my child; it just means you can return your families hugs." Perseus said with a wide smile as he re-embraced her rejoicing in her new form.

Hestia and Demeter were beckoned over by Perseus' gaze and joined the embrace, surrounding Erimia in a seemingly foreign warmth, "I'm sure you can still turn back my child." Perseus reassured her.

Smiling for the first time in this form, Erimia responded, "Good, I feel more comfortable in my original form, but this is cool."

The two goddesses present giggled as they took in her smiling form drawing a look of confusion from the newly transformed human. Turning her gaze to Perseus, Erimia silently asked the obvious question.

"You seemed to have kept your fangs and I must say it looks quite cute." Perseus said smiling merrily as he looked as the little fangs that formed her extended canines that poked out slightly as she smiled.

Blushing a bright red, Erimia transformed into her original form and let out a sigh, "much better." The two goddesses also recovered, and the group went back to their tasks of exploring the new powers the two held.

By a couple hour after noon they had decided that along with the usual effects of full godhood, Perseus had simply gained far greater control over his existing powers, to an extent that baffled the goddesses, while Erimia held the power of one of the weaker minor goddesses in the domains of her father. Summarizing their discoveries of Erimia's nature, they deduced that due to being both adopted by Perseus and his godly animal, if she could still be called that, Erimia was granted her human form and the powers of her father like a demigod child may possess, only further illustrating Perseus true extent by the extent of Erimia's own newly acquired and unpractised powers.

Whilst there was a large task ahead of the group both training Erimia in her powers, and in Perseus honing his and controlling them, they collectively decided to move onto the other task awaiting. And so the rest of the afternoon until the sun began to set was absorbed by Perseus collecting large stones with Hestia's help in fire powers to break them from the mountain, whilst Demeter went through the forest finding strong trees and increasing their size before harvesting them for Erimia to carry back to the camp, dragging the huge logs with her maw.

At night, the group ate a stew of squirrels that had been collected by Perseus with ease on the way back from his last trip lugging stones and prepared by him and his mother. As they discussed their plans over the fire, Demeter and Hestia came to the conclusion that they would spend their nights on Olympus and make the necessary appearances but otherwise spend their time on the island working on the tasks ahead.

And so, it continued, for the next month the group worked together, and a few days after the months end, stood together before the house they had built. After only a few minor adjustments to Hestia's original design the group stood before a beautiful home. Looking similar to the forge Perseus and Hestia had previously constructed, the floors were made from stone and compact dirt with thin wooden planks laid over it. The bottom of the walls were stone before changing to wood as it went up. A quarter of the way into the structure the walls extended upwards to allocate for a second floor which had an indoor balcony overlooking the foyer along with another balcony on the other side looking out into the forest beyond. Extending out to both sides from the entrance foyer were sets of rooms and straight ahead was a sitting room with lounges around a hearth along with a kitchen on the opposite end of the large space. In the middle there was a large table, the top of which was a single polished plank of wood from a huge tree that Demeter and Perseus had created as they worked on his powers.

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