13. | the curse

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C H A P T E R   T H I R T E E N

C H A P T E R   T H I R T E E N

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"Fransis, stop. Please, don't do this." Maximilian begged as he stared at Fransisco, who was enveloped in a black mist due to his anger getting the best of him. Wind goes throughout the house as if a typhoon is near that indicates the anger Fransisco feels at this moment.

Fransisco furiously glared at him with gritted teeth as he extended his arms and raised his hands up, black mist surrounding it. "It's too late! I shall gift you a immortality and promise a misery all your life, showered with misfortune." The black mist coming from him surrounded Maximilian as his voice became louder each curse placed upon his beloved. "Thy shall suffer an endless evil and no love to be return, even if destiny says so. Thy shall remain unloved by those thy love and suffer. With this power, I put a curse upon you."

Fransisco's voice was clear until the end, Maximilian feeling the black mist entering his body and unable to fight it off no matter how much he wants to. "Evil shall be placed inside of you, a desperate need to kill."

Maximilian widened his eyes at that, horror flashing on his face. "NO! No, no, I don't want to—" He refused, but was cut off by Fransisco. "You have no choice. It is the curse I put upon you."

He seemed like a different person. Maximilian isn't even sure anymore if this is the same Fransisco Demeter he has been spending his time with. The cold and dead gaze, the evilness coming from the tone of his voice, the emotionless expression. Maximilian didn't know if this is his best friend.

"This curse shall last until the time I decide to take it back. No power on Earth can change it." Fransisco stated strongly without hesitation, hatred displayed on his face as the black mist exploded.

The momery alone caused Maximilian to thrash around more, his growls becoming loud and whisper becoming a yell. Rosemary did her best to push him back on the couch, no matter how many times his claws scratched her, she continued to push him back while also preventing her tears from slipping off. It's difficult for her to see her brother like this — looking so much in pain, regret and loneliness yet she couldn't do anything about it.

She knew every single curse that Fransisco put upon Maximilian, and being unloved by those he loves is one of them.

However, that curse didn't work on her. She refused to give up on her brother even when he continued to push her away. She held onto her love for him and refused to forget the times they were happy and the time Maximilian always made her know he loves her dearly, no matter what happens. She wonders that maybe — if you fight the curse and overcome it with love, the curse will no longer affect Maximilian.

"Put this and this in the potion and stir, I have to use my magic on him." Magnus hurriedly instructed Clary before going over beside Rosemary and beginning to use his magic. Clary did as she was told, putting the ingredients inside, all the while praying for Simon and Jace to come back fast.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2021 ⏰

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